His Shattered World

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Brandon POV

I climbed on stage listening to the crowd scream over the subtle guitar strings humming. It wasn't until reasons unknown that I really got into the mood. I sat on the edge of the stage and took a breath as the crowd waited for me to speak.

"Any of you people every loved somebody? Sometimes it comes very quickly, very easily." I couldn't help but smile slightly glancing at her. "As easy as a beautiful Nevada girl's hair falls across her shoulders and sometimes it disappears just as quickly." Her eyes welled with tears as she quickly brushed them away, a smile weakly graced her lips. "You wake up one morning, the butterfiles stop fluttering, but you want it back and you wanna fight for it. You wanna breathe that fire again so you call out for it, you call out." I stood and started singing once more.

Her eyes seemed to follow me wherever I went on stage. Granted Will was following along too, but more as a fan than her. After the show I walked off stage only after saying good bye and taking a bow. She was already in my dressing room, laying on the sofa.

"How'd you like the show darlin?"

"Why do you love me Bee?" She sighed softly sitting up and looking at me with those wild hues. "I never really realized how many songs give hints to our story." I sat down and could smell the alcohol lingering on her lips as I pecked them.

"What's wrong? I know you and I know there is something you want to say. You only drink when you need to hide something."

"Your mother is dying and they wanted me to keep it a secret." She looks at me as tears fill her eyes and she speaks with sops slip with every word. "I can't! I can't fucking do this shit Bee! They want me to keep from you of all people your mother is dying." I sink onto the sofa as the words sink into my mind.

"She's dying?"

"Of brain cancer..." She reached for the bottle and took a swig. I snatched it from her, looking into her eyes as I took a swig. The last time I'd touched alcohol was when I lost our daughter. The burn was memorable with each swig until I sat the bottle down. She handed me a piece of gum and nodded as I took a piece and shoved it in my mouth. Without thinking I got up and walked to the other room, tears welling in my eyes the moment I saw my mother. She saw me and instantly knew that I had been told that deadly secret.


" How long have you been dying mom? How long do you have?" I sat down and wrapped my arms around her, the family all coming around for a group hug. I could see Will covering his mouth for a moment before leaving the room.

"I'm okay honey. I've lived a long good life. The doctors say I've got some time. Years possibly." She rubbed my back, refusing to let me go. "How'd you find out?"

"It's my fault." My father stated, sighing. "I told Brooklyn and thought she wouldn't tell Brandon. I was obviously wrong." I swallowed the lump in my throat before we all sat down. Will walked back in the room a few minutes later, sighing softly as he motioned for me to come. I squeezed my mom's hand before getting up.

"What's wrong?"

"Come see." He whispered and we walked back down the hall. I stopped in the door seeing Brooklyn laying on the sofa, the bottle of vodka that was half full last time I saw it now empty and her eyes shut. She was finding another demon to cling to now without drugs. A demon I knew so well and had danced with for years.

"She's gonna be angry at herself for telling me if she remembers."

" Maybe if she doesn't then we just don't tell her who particularly told you." Will sighed and walked over to her. "You know until you came around I never knew that she was so ill. She was so good at hiding it but around you it's like she can't anymore."

"She was a hard shell to crack for a long time." I slowly walked over and scooped her into my arms. It felt like old times carrying her like this. I couldn't help but picture our wedding day as I carried her through the front door of the house as my wife. Will and I walked to the bus, I laid her down on the sofa before kissing her forehead. The bus would take us to my parents tonight and we'd all stay over.

"You think she'll get better?" Will whispered and I nodded in response.

"When I first met her it was at a bar. She had the same crazy beautiful smile and those baby blues." I chuckled to myself at the memory. "I was so scared before going on stage. She poured me some shots and told me to look at her when I'm nervous. I thought it wouldn't help but the moment I looked at her she's make some goofy facial expression. She made it feel like we were the only two people in the room."

"I can picture that for sure. You two have a bond that can't be hidden. You know once the media sees this that crazy ex will know who she's with and where she is all the time."

"That hadn't crossed mine." I mumbled and sat down on the floor beside the sofa on the bus. "All of me wished I could protect her from this world. Lock her away like a princess."

"Aw." Will sighed and sat near me looking at her. "She's a independent woman. We both know that for sure. I've never seen her slow down for anything nor let anyone do something for her except you. I can only imagine how she used to be when you first met."

"Carefree." It was a simple word with so much meaning. She loved everyday and lived everyday like it would be her last back then. Now she was living in hopes every day would be her last.

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