U freaking Tah

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Brooklyn POV

Utah. A four letter word that made me want to vomit for more than one reason. Reason one my In-laws wanted to more than likely tear me limb from limb for ruining their son's life. Reason two they'd call me out on what I truly was, which was a recovering addict. Reason three, no alcohol around the in-laws, making them even more intolerable. Reason four they knew all my bullshit. Reason five I'm scared shitless of my In-laws. All in all you could surely see the running theme. We stopped at a diner along the way due to Ronnie's complaining, which for once I was thankful for in this case. I lit a cigarette and leaned against the bus, looking out at the never-ending road as I took a drag.

"What's on your mind?" Will snickered and tried to snatch the cigarette.

"In-laws." I shivered at the thought and took another drag before handing it to him as we started to walk. Abscentmindedly I lit a new one and started smoking like a chimney.

"What's so bad about his parents."

"They're Mormon. They'll instantly call you a child of Satan for begin gay and well they're my biggest fans." I stopped once we were at the back of the bus where no one could hear us.

"They blame you for the past years am I right?" I nodded and stomped out my cigarette before crossing my arms.

"O yeah. On top of the fact that I swore to God if they'd call me again I stick a damn needle and my neck and end it. I said some pretty fucked up shit to them. Things I know they wouldn't have forgotten." Will couldn't help but grin, he loved gossip.

"Do elaborate."

"I told them I never loved Brandon in hopes that they'd leave me alone. Told them I killed my own daughter with drugs and alcohol to get away. I said everything to make them stop calling me, but they didn't quit."

"How'd you make them stop?"

"Got a new number and got Stacey to start answering the old number. I think they assumed I died then again I was close enough to death." I shrugged before taking a deep breath. Will was quite for a few moments.

"How did you hide it?"

"Make up." I shrugged and tugged off my leather jacket, motioning to the crook of my arm. "All these little dots were once purple. I got really good at covering those. The ones on my neck weren't as simple, but obviously I did a good enough job if you and Stacey didn't notice. As for the hospital visits those got a bit tricky. Like that time I told you I had to go to London for a business meeting, I was in the hospital. Though I did end up going later that day." I forced the conversation to end. It wasn't long before we were back in the bus and I was fast asleep until Will got excited with another state sign.

"Welcome to Utah!" Will took a picture of the sign.

"Yay. U freaking Tah." I glanced up from my magazine as the bus slowed down. I knew his parents house was nearby, a shiver ran down my spin. Thankfully though we'd meet them at the venue. The bus stopped a few minutes later outside of the venue, how could I forget that red hair, yet now it was dull. She looked tired as did his father. Years hadn't done them well and that was for sure. I sighed softly and looked to Will.

"If she hits me please I beg of you, find me a beer? Vodka? Rum?" He chuckled before motioning to the stairs.

"Ladies first." I sighed once more and followed behind Brandon. His siblings and parents engulfed him in hugs, his four sisters where always my biggest fans. His brother didn't seem to care either way. I stood back with Will and Stacey until they laid eyes on me. Dare I say my heart stopped, making me want to vomit up the contents of my stomach.

"Brooklyn Masters?" She started to approach yet Brandon stepped in, his arm snaking around my torso.

" The one and only mom."

"Why don't we all go inside." She stared blankly before turning her back. I lowered my head and followed behind the family, Brandon jogged up to his mother and joined into a family conversation.

"I'm surprised she didn't bite your head off."

"Jean is like an anaconda. She'll kill you painfully and slow." I whispered as we walked inside the building. Terry cleared his throat and beckoned me to follow him. "To what do I owe this private conversation." I mumbled as he followed me back outside so we were alone. Swiftly I dug a cigarette from my pocket and lit it while pressing it against my lips.

"Jean is dying. She's got brain cancer and I would appreciate if you not take the last year's of her life away with her worrying about you breaking our son's heart." I don't know if I felt pity or shame. Maybe it was both as I cursed under my breath.

"What I did wasn't to break his heart, but to save it. Granted it did the opposite, but it was all I knew how to do." I shrugged and looked up to the man whom created the man I loved. "I know she hates me. I know every one in your family hates me and I don't blame them because I hated me too. For a long time." A shiver ran up my spine at the sheer idea of all the memories. "Brandon doesn't even know the half of it."

"Jean's only concern are her children."

"When is she going to tell him?" He shrugged as we walked back inside the venue.

" When she has the courage to tell him. The others know, but Brandon is-"

"Her special flower." I finished his sentence, a statement I had heard recorded on my voicemail plenty of times. "I won't say a word. She'll surely have my head if I do." I wandered to the stadium area, my eyes landing on the familiar figures on stage. Brandon's voice was echoing through the microphone as he played the piano.

"He's making me melt." Will grumbled before fanning himself.

"He tends to do that to people." I laughed quietly before crossing my arms. "His mother has brain cancer and they're not telling him. Not yet at least." I looked to Terry, standing beside Jean, admiring their son on stage. "I can't believe I'm still married to him."

" What do you mean?"

"I mean he still loves me." Those chocolate hues always seemed to find me in the crowd or the room of people. "I don't feel worthy. Come on I need a drink while they practice and before the show starts. This is going to be a long week." I tugged Will along to the backstage area. My body ached for sweet relief yet all I would be able to do was drink. Which Brandon's parents surely hated about me, but right now I didn't care. I grabbed the bottle of vodka and popped open an orange juice container before mixing the two.

"You ever feel like you're playing a game? Like life is this big fucked up game that just drags you around through shit till you die?"

"A bit morbid." He made a face as I downed a large serving of my drink. " What are you getting at?"

"I have yet to catch a break ever since my daughter died. Fucking Brandon's mother has cancer of the brain and they're not telling him yet. Everyone else knows and of course they had to get me in on the gossip. For being religious they are sure good at keep secrets from each other. Isn't that like a sin?" I scoffed before shaking my head. The alcohol slowly coursing through my system with every swig.

"You're not going to tell him?"

"It isn't my place to tell him." I glanced to Will before finishing off the glass. I was tipsy enough to survive, but sober enough to hide its effects. I heard the door click open and glanced to over forcing a smile to my lips as Brandon and Ronnie wandered into the room.

"Hey darlin."

"Hey there." I grabbed the Orange juice and poured a glass before taking a sip to cover up the vodka on my breath. "When's the show start?"

"About an hour. I want you front and center." I chuckled softly and stood, his lips brushing my cheek before he spun me around. I always got treated like a princess by him. He was always a gentle soul. Pure and happy like a child.

"Then I best to get ready Mr.Flowers." He pulled me into his arms and kisses my forehead before letting me go. "I'll see you after the show then Mrs. Flowers."

That was a name I loved and hated all at the same time.

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