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Brandon POV

Last night had been something to say the least. She was quiet during dinner, we'd ordered take out and sat watching the TV. I don't even remember what was on due to the fact that I was watching her leg bounce. It was becoming obvious just how addicted she was to certain things. I sighed and looked at my food, finishing up my plate before even attempting conversation.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm alive." She mumbled, moving the remains of her chicken and fried rice around the bowl. "Why'd you never settle down with someone else Bee?" That question I had asked myself a million times over the years. There had been many girls in and out of my life. Two serious relationships, which included Lindsey and Tina.

"I tried. They just - They got bored of the real me. Then obviously I'm sure you heard about my own struggle." She sat her bowl down and then sat back, glancing to me with a curious expression.

"If you care to elaborate?"

"You know I drank a lot. Well once I realized you weren't coming back I slept around. More than Ronnie, which is saying something. I never got heavy into drugs, but I smoked here and there." I sighed grabbing her bowl and carrying it to the kitchen with my plate. I didn't want to cry, but dare I admit my eyes were watering. I took a deep breath before walking back into the living room and sitting beside her. "I don't blame you. If that means anything."

"I blamed myself for a long time. A really fucking long time." She bit the inside of her cheek and lowered her head. "I was a mess." She stood and looked to me before looking at the stairs. "Good night Brandon."

"Good night Brooklyn." I mumbled as she walked upstairs. She was surely no longer the young innocent girl I remembered. She was more mature, even in her addiction she refused pity. She held her head high even in times of defeat it seemed. I clicked off the TV after another hour and slowly wandered up the stairs, stopping at the open door. She laid in bed, shivering yet her eyes were closed. I slowly walked in and saw the beads of sweat lingering on her forehead, the withdrawal effects taking their toll. I wish I could take her pain away, yet I couldn't. I turned away and walked into my room across the hall, sitting on the bed and opening my nightstand. There they sat, forever together, our wedding rings. I closed the drawer before laying down and taking a deep breath. Maybe having her back in my life like this wasn't as simple as it seemed.

Then came morning. I groaned slowly getting out of bed and slowly walking into the hall. Her bed made and door open. The first instinct was to panic till I heard her voice downstairs.

"I don't have time for this Joey. I need that supplies at the studio tonight! I have to go on tour in 5 days! 5! I need my laptops, headsets, all of it packed." She groaned slightly obviously out of frustration. "Will and Stacey need to be packed as well. I don't care who you need to help you.You need to get it done.Bye." I heard her phone get tossed onto the table before the sound of the wooden chair sliding against the floor echoed through the house.

"You're a mess." I nearly jumped hearing Will. How long had she been up? "You need some coffee?"

"No I'm fine." She sighed loudly.

" How are you and your husband?"

"He isn't my husband. We're still married on paper, but we've been apart for five years. The me from five years ago isn't me now. Will he doesn't even know who I am anymore."

"O please. I've known you for 4 of the 5 years. You've been with one guy. What the hell was his name?"

"Jax. Which you will not speak a word about to Brandon. The last thing I need is Jax finding me again and possibly hurting Brandon."

"He's in prison Brooke. What could he do?"

"Jax knows people. I've watched people die at his own hands. Just trust me on this. The less anyone knows about him the better." Will sighed loudly.

"Jax sent you to the hospital for a month Brooke. All because he didn't want a kid. He beat the living shit out of you."

"I'm fine. Just drop it alright?" Silence filled the house, I waiting a few minutes before wandering down stairs. Will licked his lips before wolf whistling toward me.

"God bless. Can you always be shirtless Mr.Flowers?" I laughed, as always it sounded like a damn giggle, surely only appealing to him more. "Brooke you've got yourself one fine man."

"Mmm" Was her response as she stared at her computer, her mind deep in thought.

"Thanks I guess?" I poured myself a mug of coffee and looking in the fridge for something to eat. I'd settled on eggs and bacon and began cooking. "Everything alright darlin'?"

" Yeah it's all good. I actually am just finishing up some paperwork then we can finally get those divorce papers signed." I wanted to throw up. I heard Will choke on his tea at the table. She didn't even look up at me and continued typing.

"You still want a divorce ?"

"I'm gonna go smoke." Will hurried to get up and nearly sprinted out my back door. She sighed and sat back looking at me.

"Brandon there is a reason I do the things I do. I think it would be best if we weren't married. Especially since I'm going on tour with you and the others."

"Brooke I still love you."

" And I still love you too, but right now isn't a good time for us Bee."

"I'll sign them after the tour. I don't have time to sit and deal with lawyers Brooklyn." It killed me to speak so monotoned to her. Yet she sighed softly and nodded.

" Fine." Thankfully I had just bought myself some time to change her mind.

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