Second Chance

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Brandon POV

I looked at it in my palm before looking to Will who sat at the kitchen table with me. "You know how to work that facebook thing? Can you log into our page and write up something real quick? I'll tell you what to say."

"Sure. Let me just..." He took my hand and tugged off my ring, setting both in my palm before taking a photo of it. Ronnie was tuning in obviously when he sat up. "Alright you have the stage Mr. Flowers."

"None of have you have had the chance to meet Mrs.Flowers and you're all are probably wondering how long she's existed. I met her at one of the Killer's first shows back in Las Vegas in 2002. I was nervous and she was the bartender letting me drink my nerves away for free, yet it wasn't the drinks that calmed me down. I remember her making a funny face at me every time I glanced at her from the stage and it was like it melted the nerves away. December that same year I asked her to marry me on a friday night in the desert sunset. That same day I learned I was going to be father. Then our perfect world ended in September 2003 when our daughter Adeline was born still and it took a toll on us. She and I were separated and I destroyed the papers, never signing them because I couldn't bare with the idea of losing her as well. Just this year we found each other again and it's like no time has passed. I'd love for you all to welcome Brooklyn Flower to the Killer family. Brandon."

"You sure you want to tell them?" I nodded to Ronnie's question before Will looked to me.

"Anddd posted it. Let's see how it goes." A giggle left me before I put my ring back on and looked to hers. Brooklyn was outside with the kids blowing bubbles. "They gotta know Ronnie. I can't hide her forever."

"Hide what?" Brooke walked in before she took a sip of her water. Running shorts clinging to her thighs and tanktop just the same to her torso.

"Check your phone darlin." I managed a smile as I stood and offered her the wedding band back. "I did more than just clean it." She took it and slipped it back on before looking to her phone. Her eyes scanned the screen before she managed a deep breath.

"Bee. Are you sure that's a good idea? Your squeaky clean record mixed with mine so soon?" She sat down her phone, I could feel my smile daring to break.

"Anyone who doesn't understand doesn't understand me." I took her hand and kissed the back. She managed a smile before pressing a kiss to my cheek.

"I just don't want it hurting your next album and good guy image." Her phone rang and she excused herself back outside. Will was staring at my phone, scrolling through the thousands of comments already generated. I sat down and leaned closer to see. To say the least it was surely mixed reviews.

"Brando?" Ronnie questioned, sitting down his phone. "You alright with this?" I took the phone from Will and scrolled along.

Sounds like a groupie gone wrong

How can you love someone who abandoned you?

RIP the Killers. We'll never see another album :(

I've heard about her. She's a producer in Las Vegas. A total party person. So different than Brandon. I smell publicity stunt.

Wish them the best!!!

I sat the phone down before taking a sip of my coke. I felt freezing on the inside, like the millions who had supported me just changed teams. I glanced outside to no longer see Brooke within sight.

"No." I mumbled to Ronnie's earlier question before I got up and wandered to the back door. She was sitting way out in the field, under the tree. Her hand went to her face as if it brush tears away. A sigh escaped me as I went outside, my hands shoved in my pockets. She was letting tears silently fall as she scrolled through her phone. Only when she heard my footsteps did she sit her phone down and take a deep breath.

"They fucking well hate me! Which is fine with me, but what about your career?!"

"Darlin' I'm not worried about my career. I'm worried about you and a family and my mother. I'm not worried about my career. The music isn't going anywhere and we both know how fans are Brooke! They get jealous and say hateful things to ruin relationships."

"Yeah well. When does the line get drawn Brandon?" She glanced to me before looking straight ahead. "Like I said. We'll never be those two innocent people from that bar. We'll never be those two people who we were before -"

"Don't say it."

"Before we lost Adeline." She shrugged and shoved her phone in her pocket. "I'm clean and I've got a giant record label on my back. I've also got probably 70% of The Killers fanbase ready to destroy me." I sat down beside her and it was only then that she gave in and leaned on me.

"It doesn't change a thing for me Brooke."

"Bee that's because you're one of the most innocent and nicest people on this planet. You wouldn't hurt a flower." I giggled before pressing a kiss on the top of her head.

"Listen. They will learn to love you. I can promise you that much. It just takes time for people to understand what we have."

Yet I didn't know if she'd believe me or she just nodded to end the conversation. A sigh escaped her and we sat in silence like that for awhile. Part of me wanted to retire right then and there. Yet there was an album to write.

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