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Brandon POV

It hurt watching my sibling's kids run around the house. It made me think of what Brooklyn and I could have had by now. I sighed and walked outside as the others finished their lunches, the only plan to relax till the show tomorrow.

"What's got you brooding?" I jumped slightly, letting out a chuckle as I pulled her into my arms.

"What did my mom say to you?"

"Not to break her baby boy's heart." She ran her hand along the front of my shirt.

"How about we go out tonight. Just me and you." I looked into her eyes as she thought for a moment before nodding.

"That sounds lovely."

"I'll take you to one of my favourite places." Her eyes went wide for a second before she laughed.

"Hmm and here I thought Utah was just a bunch of nothing. Mr.Flowers has a favourite place here? Be still my beating heart." She wrapped her arms around my neck, her lips finding mine. Moments like these made me remember all those nights we had spent together. Whether it was on the Las Vegas Strip or just at home.

"Go change into something comfortable but nice darlin." I kissed her cheek before she wandered off. It always crossed my mind how she thought now. Did she still love me? Or love me out of pity?

"Hey man." Ronnie chimed in as I returned to looking at the kids playing in the yard. "How's she doing?"

"Truth be told she seems completely fine. Granted her drinking is a bit out of control, but she seems like herself. Like Brooklyn." He crossed his arms and leaned his back on the railing.

"More importantly how are you doing?"

"It's nice having my wife back." I mumbled and twirled my ring around my finger. "I don't know how I'm going to tell the fans about any of this or if I'm even going to tell them."

"I think there is something else bothering you." I glanced to him for a moment before sighing.

"Seeing all these kids just makes me want a family Ronnie. With my mom being sick I want nothing more than her to see any possible grandbabies. Obviously Brooklyn isn't going to be ready for awhile if ever. I know neither of us could handle losing another child."

"I know it's hard not picking up where you last left off, but you can't Brandon. Yeah she's still Brooklyn, but she's different." I nodded before glancing to the door.

"Be honest. You think she loves me still? Or do you think she's just doing this to get some sort of normalcy?"

"She's always been yours Brando and I think you know the answer to that question." He patted my arm before running into the grass to play with the kids. It was one big family in our eyes. I sighed and wandered inside and up the stairs to the room my parents gave Brooklyn and I to stay. Carefully I opened the door and bit the inside of my cheek seeing the peach sundress on her. Her skin was tan from the Nevada sun and hair shiny, tied into a ponytail.

"Too much?"

"Not at all." I walked over to her, taking her hand and twirling her. "You look beautiful Mrs.Flowers." Calling her that still made my heart get caught in my throat.

"Where to?" She smiled and looked to me, fixing a strand of my hair to her liking.

"I was thinking a little cafe down the ways." She nodded and we walked downstairs and outside. Neither of us felt like driving so we walked along the ways, talking about our time apart.

She had seen the world many times over. Fallen in love and gotten her heart broken. Jax played the part at first, loving her as if she meant something. Then she told me if her loss. How once again a child was taken from her. Yet this time seemed more violent. She didn't show emotion about it, maybe because this child didn't even have a name nor face to morn.

I told her of the recording studios, the fans, of the many failed attempts to forget her over coffee. She couldn't help but laugh inbetween sips of her latte. Yet as the night went on and we had dinner it felt normal. Normal to talk the night away with her like we were at the diner or the bar we met. She rubbed her arms and I glanced at my watch.

"Ready to go home?"

"Yeah I'm pretty sleepy." She downed her glass of wine before I placed my jacket over her shoulders. I paid the tab and then pulled her to my side as we walked towards home. Her perfume intoxicating as I leaned in and kissed her temple. "I'm glad I came."

"Me too. When I saw you in the crowd I think my heart stopped a bit. I wondered a lot about you." She looked to me and only nodded before quietly opening the door to my parent's house. She took my hand and we silently made our way upstairs to our room at the end of the hall.

If I was addicted to anything then it was her. The way her lips found mine and coaxed me to go along with whatever she wanted. My jacket fell off her shoulders as she kicked her shoes off. In a swift motion I lifted her up, her legs wrapping around my torso. I didn't want to lose out on another second or moment with her.

I wanted nothing more than to drown myself in the essence that was this woman. We tangled ourselves in the sheets, her lips leaving fire wherever they dared to touch and my name leaving her lips like a hushed confession.

It was only when she was fast asleep, her head against my chest and her naked body against mine did I really see her. Ronnie was right. She was still my wife, just a little different.

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