Hidden Truth

201 4 1

Brooklyn POV

I almost felt crushed once I heard a female's name. Then again who could blame him for moving on with someone else. Then again how much did he love her to kiss me? I walked inside and went to the bar, ordering a martini as a woman in a short dress sat beside me. Her make up looked to be professionally done, yet she was hammered. She glanced at my outfit then huffed.

"Wow. Another fan skank."

"Excuse me?" I glanced to her and she smirked before laughing.

"You think because your little outfit matches his that he'll fuck you and leave me? Jokes on you because he's too much of a bitch." I chuckled slightly and took a sip of my drink, standing and whispering into her ear.

"Doll if you only understood who I am." I pulled away to look into her eyes. A smirk graced my lips and she was damn well lucky I was contained enough not to punch her in the throat.

" It doesn't matter because he's mine. I can fuck around he can't." She smirked before taking a sip of her mixed drink, one could barely understand her slurred words. I downed my martini before glancing to her. To be fair, her drunken slurs made it all the more entertaining.

"Like I said If you only knew." I roughly grabbed her shoulder for a moment. "Have a lovely evening." She spit up some of her drink and a groan from the pain I'd causes. I wandered to the bathroom and took a deep breath, looking in the mirror. The alcohol has turned my cheeks a shade of red, but one drink was far from enough to make this night bearable. I opened my clutch and took two more pills, using the sink water to swallow them. The temptation to down another was there but I left the bathroom before I could even consider it. Like no surprise there stood Brandon on the other side of the door, once again taking in my figure.

"You're still here?"

"Just about to leave. I ran into your girlfriend? She's a real treat." I started to walk but stopped myself, laughing almost bitterly. "O and she's fucking someone behind your back, but she says you're too much of a pussy to do anything. Good Night Mr. Flowers."

"Brooke! Wait." I was almost to the door, but spun on my heels to once again drink him in myself. "I don't love her."

"Then tell her that Brandon. Not me." The pills started to kick in and I blinked a few times. "I've gotta go. Good night."

"Good night." He lowered his eyes before I continued my exit. I wasn't waiting for Will or Stacey. I needed to go. I made it down to the lobby before my vision started to spin. Walking in these heels seemed almost impossible. I took them off and wandered out into the humid desert air. I started walking down the street, trying to stay alert as much as possible. If I could make it to my office down the strip then I would just crash there today. Tears threatened to spill just from seeing him today of all days. I would have taken the limo, but then again the others needed it. I kept walking, my vision blurring more and more. Then the lights. The bright white lights. The impact that of an elephant against my chest and head. A car bulldozed it's way onto the sidewalk. I glanced around, seeing the neon lights surrounding me. The pain radiating throughout my body like pulsing waves of the ocean.

"Someone call 911!"

"There is a lady hit. The driver is dead... He just ran onto the curb. She's breathing. There is another female hit too. She's conscious the other one isn't responding."

"Ma'am! Ma'am! Can you hear me?!"

His face was blurry, his blue eyes the only thing I noticed. I groaned and tried to keep my eyes open.

" My husband. I need my husband." I managed to say. My brain so frantic that was the first thing that I spit out.

"What's your name ma'am?"

"Brooklyn Flowers." I felt the pain pulse it's way to my brain once more as I squeezed my clutch in my hand. My eyes closing to the sound of sirens and alarms. Was this bliss? Or hell? Maybe a mixture of both.

"Patent is slipping in and out of consciousness... Administering pain killer through iv..." I opened my eyes, like a bunny my heart raced in my chest. No this was bliss. The weightless feeling of drugs roaring through my system. Those final gasps for air as the EMT stuck another needle into my arm. "Administering narcan to counter act overdose. Patient is on some sort of medication reacting with the iv dosage. Heart rate settling." I felt as if I left my body. The minor sensations of being moved and of shedding my dress and the familiar sensation of a hospital bed. I'd been here too many times over the years.

I groaned, slowly opening my eyes only to be greeted with his. They were puffy from crying, hints of green danced with brown in his hues. Dare I say he looked like the old him wearing jeans and a black t-shirt, his new found muscles showing off from under the cotton fabric.

"Where am I?" I looked to see Stacey and Will also changed.

"You were hit by a car. Then you overdosed." He mumbled and took my hand before glancing to my two friends then back at me. "They know obviously. You never changed the medical papers from my name and well you asked for me." I lowered my eyes before closing them all together.

"O-You don't have to stay. I know your girlfriend would surely be upset."

"She's gone. I broke up with her right after you left. I went to find you and that's when I got the call." I opened my eyes before nodding then glanced to Will and Stacey who came over and hugged me.

"I can't believe you were married to Brandon Flowers and didn't tell me you hoe." Will whined into my ear.

" She would have told me first." Stacey sat down and crossed her arms as I managed a laugh. Yet inside I was really wondering just how much he had told them. Did he tell them that in this very hospital we lost ourselves when our baby never took her first breath. That this was the whole reason I had started drugs in the first place. Maybe he didn't even know the whole truth. Then back to a blissful sleep.

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