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Brandon POV

"Alright this is the last one Ronnie!" I hollered tossing a duffle bag onto the bus. My eyes caught sight of her chatting with Stacey and smoking a shared cigarette.

"Like old times isn't it?" Ronnie mumbled picking up the duffle bag. "How's she been?"

"Reserved and moody. Some nights she's the old her and other nights she's very angry."

"That's drugs for you." He huffed before tossing the bag into the compartment. Lisa cleared her throat slightly.

"Don't talk about her like that Ron. She's family. As much as she fucked up." Lisa walked into the bus, she'd been our tour mother for years and Ronnie's wife.

"She's been through a lot."

"Like what?"

"I heard her and Will talking about this guy named Jax. Some abusive asshole she'd been with. Apparently he's in jail. He beat her Ronnie."

"Don't be a hero Brandon. You two just met again after FIVE years." He sighed slightly and glanced towards her. "I'm not saying she's a bad person. I'm just saying that girl you met at the bar, she's gone." He mumbled before looking back to me. "Just be careful?"

"I will Ron." I looked to her, the way her jeans hugged her figure and blouse flowed along her arms. She always portrayed herself as a business woman. Her eyes caught me staring and I lowered my head, my face heating with embarrassment. It was only moments later that she wandered over, stepping on her cigarette.

"I have a feeling you were talking about me."

"My lips are sealed!" Ron chuckled as I ran my fingers through my hair.

"I was just saying it's nice to have you on the tour darlin."

"I'm so excited!" Stacey grinned, butting into the conversation. She glanced to her, releasing a laugh.

"Wait till you're a few months in sharing a bus with these guys. Your mind will quickly change." She walked to the back of the bus and I sighed slightly as I looked to Ron. Stacey clearing her throat.

"I assume we are all on watch when it comes to her? I'm sorry for what she did to you Brandon. You seem like a nice guy, but she's just damaged."

"I know doll." I sat down on the sofa and opened up a can of coke, taking a sip before glancing down the hall as the bus started going. She walked into the living area with her laptop and glasses settled on her nose. She looked cute with glasses, I'd never seen her wear them before. Brooklyn sat beside me and opened it up, her background a collage of Vegas and even a few photos of us. In the corner was a part of the ultrasound. She opened up the browser before I could get a really good look and began working away with her headphones in her ears. Will rolled his eyes, which surprisingly she caught and tugged out a earbud.

"What's got you sour?"

"You're already working! We just got on the bus. Relax have fun for once." She laughed, her smile daring to surface. I swear I had a flashback to the million times I had seen it in the time we'd spent together. She closed her laptop and got up, climbing on the sofa and digging through the cabinet.

"Alright alright someone get the beer out and I'll find cards against humanity."

"Yes finally the fun Brooklyn appears." Will handed out the beers, I stayed drinking my coke as she settled beside me. I hated and loved how much it felt like old times. She set up the game and passed out the cards before taking a swig of her beer. As the game and night went on she became more of her old self. The alcohol loosened her lips and her old personality bleed through. Occasionally her head would fall against my shoulder and stay there till it was once again her turn.

" Alright and the winner is Mark. Dang it." Stacey giggled and sat back as did Brookes.

"Things haven't changed it seems."

"I almost had him." Ronnie huffed glancing to me and her. By some crazy chance she still made the butterflies flutter in my chest.

"Well this is my cue to turn in for the night." I felt hallow when she got up, slowly wandering to the back of the bus where her bunk was assigned. I then realized I was the only one watching her go, as if I was a lost puppy. The curtain between the living area and bunks shutting behind her.

"You're crazy in love. Wish I found a man so in love with me." Will huffed and stood, cleaning up the empty beer bottles. I lowered my eyes momentarily before standing.

"I'm gonna get some shut eye. Night all." Everyone murmured their good nights before I wandered down the hall. She was changed into these silk pjs that matched her eyes, I smiled towards her as she pulled back the curtain of her bunk.

"Thanks for this."

"There is nothing to thank me for, I should be thanking you for coming willingly." I tugged off my shirt and tossed it in the bottom of my bunk as she watched me.

" I missed you. I'd be lying if I said I didn't." I looked at her curiously, the emotions seeping to the surface of her face. I closed the space between us and gently stroked her cheek.

"I missed you too. I admit I wished you never left." She managed a weak laugh before I kissed her, my hands settling on her cheeks as I pulled away and kissed her forehead. I think she too savored these moments of the past. Her fingers traced the scar on my hip from falling off my bike, a story she knew so well.

"Good night cowboy."

"Good night darlin'." I placed a hand under her chin and kissed her again before helping her climb into her bunk. I pulled the curtain closed before taking off my jeans and climbing into my own bunk. I hadn't felt more alive in years.

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