Plan B It Is

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Brooklyn POV

There was plan A, which was stay in Nevada and work as usual, continuing my life the way it was before he showed up. Then there was Plan B, which was going on the road with the Killers and trying to get better. My only choice was Plan B considering Brandon wouldn't let me out of his sight. Those dark hues watching my every move while I drove towards my penthouse down the strip.

" What?"

"What do you mean what?"

"I mean what are you watching me for?" I laughed weakly only to be greeted with that giggle that rang through my mind over the years. He sighed slightly and glanced out the window for a moment.

"I uh- Just can't believe we're here again. Talking you know?" I managed a shrug before pulling into the gated garage with a flash of my badge.

"I didn't want to never see you again Bee. I just was really fucked up then and I still am now granted." My voice trailed off as I parked the car. "Back then I didn't know how to cope and for the longest time I coped with medication or liquor. Admittedly there probably wasn't a day that you didn't cross my mind after I left. Yet I left because I thought it was best for you. Obviously not best for me considering you were my sanity. I know Ronnie, Dave, and Mark surely aren't happy with what I did. Trust me Ronnie called and talked to me plenty of times... talked me off the ledge a few times through the years-" I was rambling, yet he grabbed my hand and squeezed it gently. He'd always been gentle and emotional, but I think that was some of the traits I'd admired in him. A gentle soul so to speak.

"I get it. I do Brooks... It took me a long time to heal too." He stopped it at that and I couldn't blame him for being hesitant to letting me fully back into his life. Brandon was always a gentle soul and overall person. Innocence lingered in his childlike persona. He only let go of my hand so that we could get out of the car. The walk inside the lobby was silent, I waved to the guard who gave a nod. The elevator ride up also silent, not awkward silence, but comfortable silence. I unlocked the door and led the way in, sighing softly. The glass walls that lead out to the balcony overlooking the Las Vegas strip. He looked around, hand in his pockets as he whistled. "This place is beautiful."

"I love the balcony. I'll sometimes sit out there at night and watch the people, traffic, the desert sky." I mumbled, joining him in his walk towards the balcony. I never got tired of seeing him like this. Normal. Casual clothes during the day and outgoing musician at night. "I'll go grab my things." He glanced to me, his eyes landing on things that lingered around. I turned away from him and walked into my bedroom, grabbing a suitcase. I heard his soft melodic hums venturing in the living room towards my bedroom. Dare I admit my head was throbbing with the sheer need for prescribed release then again the concussion wasn't helping my mental state. Yet like a breeze he made the dust disappear. Gentle arms wrapped around my frame from behind, his chin settling on my shoulder.

"I love your place, it's very you, very unique." He did that giggle laugh that no matter the mood I was in it could bring a smile to my face. "I saw my album settled on the record player."

"It's nicer on a record. Your voice sounds more real." I leaned my head against his and folded up a shirt.

" Why did you come to the show?"

"Funny enough my friends brought me. I didn't know it was the killers. So I was about as in shock as you." He let me go and I zipped up my suitcase before glancing around. In a way I would miss this place, in another way I was glad I was getting a break from being alone.

"You looked beautiful. I loved the dress. It's a shame the paramedics had to cut it off."

"Well Will can always make me another one. I know I've got a lot of explaining to do towards the both of them. There is so much of my life that they don't understand. So much that you don't understand either."

"In time." He kissed my cheek before taking my suitcase. Surely he was still a gentleman, that southern hospitality still lingered about him. I sighed softly and clicked off the lights before once more glancing around the penthouse. "You okay darlin'?"

" Yeah I just never planned to be in this situation. I'm going on tour with you and it's strange." I shrugged before taking a deep breath. "It's like five years of my life went by so quick. Like a commercial break." My eyes caught his as he gave a half smile in response and offered his hand to me.

"We best get going. I know you've gotta let your friends know and I've gotta get packing. We'll be on the road in the week. We've got a long stop in Utah. My mom's been sick."

"Jean? What's wrong?"

"We don't know yet. She's just not been feeling herself lately." I wasn't gonna tell him that she'd called me plenty of times. Begged me to come back then she'd changed that to me never speaking to Brandon or the family again. I knew he was dying to ask about my addiction. The apartment showed no sighs of it, however my arms and eyes told the stories in the form of marks and bloodshot eyes. I locked the door behind us and closed another chapter of my life just like that without hesitation. I was ready for just about anything life could bring. Or so I thought.

The Runaway [The Killers]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang