Butterfly Feeling

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Brooklyn POV

I couldn't sleep and that was for certain. Especially with him mere feet away and surely his thoughts were on the same topic as mine was tonight. Us. Such a tiny word with such big meaning. I waited for everyone to go to sleep or at least get to their bunks before crawling out of mine. I wandered to the front of the bus and sat down on the sofa, grabbing my laptop and another beer before settling into a blanket. Nothing could numb these thoughts that tortured me. They'd been with me since that fateful day. I took a swig of the beer before scrolling through my photos, tears stung my eyes. Wedding photos, baby room photos, everything I had given up for nothing. All uploaded onto this little device.

"I feel it too you know. The pain." I jumped, nearly spilling the beer resting against my chest. I sat it on the table nearby and closed the laptop, glancing out the window.

"I don't know what you're talking about." He giggled as always and sat down beside me.

"I still think of her. I think of you and I in our home, listening to the crickets and all that through the window in the middle of the night. Sometimes I found myself at the bar we met at, just hoping you'd show up." He knew how to tug at my heart strings. "I went to that diner a few times. I never ran into you." I glanced to him, swallowing the lump in my throat. "Little did I know where you actually were. What you were actually doing to yourself as punishment."

He tilted my chin towards him, I found myself prowling towards him until I was straddling his lap. "Everyone's asleep you don't need to put your walls up when it's just me." The whispered truth passed his lips before I brushed mine against his like earlier. I closed my eyes once I deepened the kiss, my breath caught in my chest as familiar hands gripped my hips. It was instinct that drove me to rake my fingers through his hair, I had every inch of him memorized it seemed. Yet he was the one that pulled away, resting his forehead against mine as he tucked the loose strands of hair behind my ears. "You deserve better than a tour bus darlin'" I huffed a laugh, a tiny smile playing on my lips.

"You're still a gentleman."

"I haven't changed completely." He peppered my lips with kisses before coiling his arms around me. "Promise me something?"

" What?"

"Don't runaway again. I can't lose you twice." His voice was laced with fear and I nodded slowly he grabbed my phone as it continued to blow up.

"I'm not going anywhere." I couldn't help but smirk as he entered a familiar date, which to no surprise but his own unlocked my phone. A photo of him posted on Instagram.

"On tour with this delicate flower. " He cracked a smile and scooped me up. "Mind sharing a bunk with this delicate flower?"

" Not at all." I flashed a smile as he sat me down and we tiptoed to the end of the bunks. He crawled in first before I joined him in his bunk. His body pressed against my own as he held me against his torso. Already I felt my eyes grow heavy. I hadn't felt at home for years. I turned over and placed my head against his chest, the scent of his cologne was lulling me to sleep.

I awoke to the same sensations that I had fallen asleep with last night. It was as if butterflies were tearing apart my stomach piece by piece. Only now they were fully aware of Brandon being curled in a tiny bunk with his legs tangled with mine and arms entrapping me. He was awake and blinked a few times before kissing my forehead.

"Morning darlin'" He whispered as I yawned then rubbed my eyes.

"Mm how long have you been awake?"

"Few minutes. I didn't want to disturb you. You looked pretty peaceful." I scooted closer to him, burying my face against him.

" In that case five more minutes." He giggled and placed his finger under my chin, tilting my face up to his.

"Nice try." I smirked slightly before pecking his lips. My brain hasn't come to terms that in all technicalities he was still my husband and that I was still Mrs.Flowers. I'd been Mrs. Flowers before the killers even had their name on the map.


" Yeah?"

"I don't care if the others know about us, but I don't want your fans knowing yet." He nodded before I continued. "I just need to get my mind wrapped around the fact that I'm still your wife. I mean obviously we're still trying to figure things about but- I wanna give it a shot. I wanna give us a shot." I bit my lip for a moment as he grinned like a fool.

"Maybe soon I'll get you to wear your ring?" I rolled my eyes before laughing quietly.

"I'll wear it, but you can't wear yours around. Then they'll really know."

"You can tell them you're married to Ronnie." We both bursted out laughing until the curtain was tugged back, still we continued to laugh like hyenas.

"I heard all of that!" Ronnie huffed as the others joined in our laughter.

"At least they're back together!" Will grinned and I slowly stopped laughing before Brandon once again kissed me, his fingers gently sliding my ring back on my finger.

"She's the prettiest Mrs.Flowers that could ever be." He whispered as Will and Stacey awed. The others snickered.

"Thank God, I was tired of Brandon limping around like a lost puppy." Mark smirked and moved to the front of the bus along with Ronnie.

"I told him the one that is meant to be will always find their way back home so to speak." I glanced to him walking away before mentally noting to myself. Maybe Ronnie was right. Soulmates always find their way back home.

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