Eyes to Never Open

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Brooklyn POV (Early September 2003)

"Are you nervous?" I shook my head looking to my mother-in-law Jean.

"No. should I be?" She laughed softly and shook her head, taking my hand and squeezing it.

"Well your contractions just started so it's gonna be difficult, but we are all here for you sweetie. I know Brandon is probably freaking out that he isn't here yet." I took a deep breath before looking around the hospital room then at my phone. "He won't miss it don't worry. He's already on his way."

"I know." I released a breath as April and Amy walked into my hospital room with Brandon's father Terry.

"There is my favorite daughter-in-law!" Terry hollered before hugging me slightly and kissing my forehead. "Where is Brandon?"

"He's across town at the studio. He should be here soon." I stated before another wave on contractions forced me to squeeze my eyes shut. "Hopefully really soon!"

"Alright everyone out into the waiting room!" The nurse hollered as she walked into the room. "Her vitals are getting right where we need them."

"But Brandon isn't here yet-"

"I'm here I'm here!" I released the breath I had been holding as he ran into the hospital room, pressing a kiss to his mother's cheek before the nurse closed the door.

"You scared me!" I laughed weakly before groaning in pain and holding my stomach.

"I wouldn't miss this for the world darlin' you know that." He pressed a kiss to my forehead before taking my hand.

"Mrs. Flowers I need you to push for me when I tell you to push alright?" The doctor stated before I nodded quickly and squeezed Brandon's hand more. It was like a slow motion blur over the next two hours. It seemed like I was constantly pushing until finally that sensation. The doctor was holding our baby, yet there was silence.

"What's wrong?" I said breathlessly. "What's wrong with my baby?!" I yelled as the doctor rushed out of the room. The nurse ushering Brandon out of the room as she took my vitals. My heart was racing in my chest as she plunged something into the IV.

"Mrs. Flowers you need to calm down. Mrs. Flowers." I couldn't keep my eyes opened as I opened my mouth to once again ask what was wrong. Yet the unconscious bliss took over. The next time I woke up I was in a different bed with a fresh gown, this room had windows looking out at Las Vegas. I slowly sat up and glanced around the room. I knew just by the look on his face what happened.

"Where is our baby?"


"Where the fuck is she Brandon!" My monitor started racing as a nurse walked into the room.

"Mrs. Flowers the doctor will come in soon and explain everything, but you're at high risk right now for some medical complications." I stared at the door till the doctor walked in, but I already knew the overall idea. She was born still. My sweet princess never took a breath. Never cried. She'd never learn to walk or speak.

"I'm sorry for your loss Mr. and Mrs. Flowers... Obviously you as a family can decide what you'd like us to do with the body." He left and I didn't even feel the tears slide down my cheeks. Was this what being numb felt like?

"Brooklyn?" I laid back down and turned away from him. Looking at the window that showed me sin city. The city I'd force myself to get lost in and forget this year of my life ever happened.

"I think you should just go Brandon."

"You weren't the only one who lost a child. She was my daughter too." His voice cracked, I could see in the window his reflection, tears sliding down his cheeks that mirrored my own. Minutes later he walked out and left me to settle into this fucked up situation. I signed my discharge papers and took the bag of medication they'd prescribed for pain. Yet seeing him standing by the car, looking like he'd just drank half the bar. He opened the passenger door yet I shook my head and motioned for him to get in on that side.

"You drove here drunk! I think I can drive us home." I stated matter of fact before walking around to the driver side and tossing my bag in the back. The drive home was silent and the moment we walked in the house the air seemed too thick to breathe. The nursery door was open and I looked in, sinking to my knees. Sobs finally rippled through my body like an avalanche and even in his arms nothing seemed to make this whole situation right. "Why our baby? Why are sweet Adeline?"

"I don't know darlin' I'm so sorry." His lips brushed along my shoulder yet it didn't help with the hole in my chest. We sat there for awhile, crying in our pain. Yet as the days went on we slowly turned that room into a music and office room. Then he was off to London. Leaving me in this empty house with the sinking feeling in my gut as I took yet another pill. The day my addiction started and carried on for years. I'd kill for a fucking pill. Just like he'd drink himself to death every night. I was pulled from my thoughts when the phone began to ring. I stared at it for a moment before picking up.


"Hey Darlin'... I miss you." His voice made me want to cry. He reminded me of what we lost and maybe that was what triggered all of this to happen.

"I umm... I miss you too, but I don't think this is going to work Brandon..."

"Brooklyn what are you talking about?"

"I want a divorce Brandon. I'll have the papers sitting on the counter when you get back... the house is yours... I won't be here just turn in the papers after you sign them." I hung up. Not even giving him a chance to speak. I grabbed the bottle and took two more pills before  laying down on the sofa. This was the last time I heard his voice for a long time.

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