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The next morning Blaza was initially scared. He was pinned down to his bed and couldn't move! Then he remembered about what happened last night, and how Nadwe and Meme both came into his bed because they were scared/trying to be annoying. The only issue was he couldn't get up without knocking one of them off. He decided he would have to wake up Meme since Meme probably could get his work done even with the trama. Blaza wormed out until he was sitting upright on his pillow, then pushed Meme towards him until he was able to step over him.

"Blaza?" Meme mumbled, still half asleep.

"Go back to sleep, Meme," Blaza whispered. Meme groaned and turned over. Blaza snuck out of the cabin and went down the ladder into the cafeteria. He needed to figure out how to pilot this ship, no matter what.

All Blaza figured out in the hour before the other two woke up is that it involved math. Lots of math. Math was Meme's strong suit, as much as he hated it, so he knew he might have to get Meme to help. When Nadwe and Meme came down, Nadwe's face was a bright red.

"Can you stop Meme from teasing me about my girlfriend?" Nadwe grumbled. Blaza mouthed a quick 'thank you' for distracting the 14-year-old from the current situation.

"He means his body pillow," Meme snickered.

"Her name is Monika!" Nadwe shouted. Blaza ruffled his hair.

"Hey! Just because I'm the youngest doesn't mean you have to baby me! I'm on this ship for a reason too you know!" Nadwe yelled. Meme rolled his eyes.

"Yeah. You had a lot of money," The doctor grinned. Actually, no one knew the real reason Nadwe was on this ship. He just appeared a month before take-off, and they were all told that he would be joining them. Most of them just made fun of him, but Joocie makes quick friends, probably because Joocie was so friendly. Another point was no one knew how he smuggled a body pillow on the ship, but since they could all tease him for it, no one cared either. Blaza went over to Meme and passed him a sheet of paper.

"I have no idea what these numbers mean, but I know they're important," Blaza shrugged. Meme looked at them for a while until it clicked.

"Oh! I know! They're coordinates! This is either how to get back to earth, or Polus again. Either way is better than being in space," Meme said, handing them back.

"So you're saying, all I have to do is punch in some numbers and we're home?" Blaza asked. This sounded too good to be true.

"Well no? We still have to land and make sure these are correct, and probably have to do more configuring," Meme said. Blaza sighed.

"Hey, this won't be easy, but it sure as hell will be worth it when we're safe and sound," Meme reassured him.

"You're right, and you know what would make it even faster?" Blaza asked.

"What?" Meme said, crossing his arms.

"If you go made me breakfast for me, I'm starving," Blaza grinned.


"So you see, I have this shiny golden coin... And it'll decide which restaurant we're going to!" Blaza said. Meme sighed.

"Do you seriously carry that thing around you everywhere?" He asked.

"Duh. How else am I supposed to make important decisions?" Blaza asked.

"Majority vote?" Tbh suggested. Blaza looked at him as if he was a madman.

"C'mon, isn't there something fun about leaving it up to chance? Plus I not only have a coin but some dice!" Blaza said, pulling one of those sets of many different types of dice that only D&D players had because no one else would need a 12 sided die in normal life, "and I think I left my spinner at home."

"Heads is KFC and tail's is McDonald's?" Socks suggested.

"No way! McDonald's makes me sick! Literally! I puked the last time I went there, and I was feeling fine before I ate. How about Wendy's?" Meme said.

"Okay, heads is KFC and tails is Wendy's, fine with everyone?" Blaza asked. Everyone nodded. Blaza turned around and flipped the coin.

"Heads!" Blaza cheered out.

"Hey! We didn't get to see it! How do we know you're not lying?" Meme asked, narrowing his eyes. Blaza rolled his eyes from under his sunglasses.

"I suggested Dairy Queen, and look who's choice wasn't in the coin flip? Nah. This is all you guys, I'm just trying to make sure you guys don't maul each other to death over where you get lunch," Blaza said.

"I'll pay!" Tbh offered, "I'm starving!" Everyone laughed.


It's strange how good times can come to an end.


Nadwe was stressed. I mean, of course, he was! Joocie (and everyone else) was dead. This wasn't DDLC, he couldn't just reinsert their files back in or get the good ending (unless this was the good ending, after all, not like Monika really survived that either). Almost everyone was dead.

"Maybe we should make sure we got all of the bodies?" He asked, almost timidly, "So we can give them a proper burial back on earth?"

"G-Good idea Nadwe!" Meme said in a high-pitched tone, "I think this ship came equipped with air-tight coffins. No, idea why until two STUPID ALIENS CAME ON BOARD!" Meme shouted, before hysterically laughing. Eventually, his laughs turned into sobs as he broke down on the floor.

"I- I can't do this anymore. I just... Can't. H-How ever Blaza deals with this I-... I don't know. I can't deal with this. T-They're all DEAD and we can do nothing about it! Doesn't it make you feel so helpless? It's all b-because of those stupid aliens who KILLED Dino and Laff and pretended to be them! And now, we can't go home!" Meme cried out. Nadwe didn't know what to do.

"Don't make me get my body pillow out," Nadwe said seriously, adjusting the two hats on his head.

"Nadwe, this is not the ti-"

"I'm going to bring Monika down here and start making out with her if you don't get yourself together. Would Socks want to see you like this?"

"Socks is DEAD Nadw-"

"Blaza's going to get us home! I know he'll figure it out! And if he doesn't you can help! C'mon, you need to be really smart if you have a medical degree!"

"Nadwe I have nothing to say." Meme said, he stopped crying, "That was the stupidest motivational speech ever and I have no idea how that worked."

"C'mon, I think Blaza will need our help."


It's funny how people can change, after seeing all of their friends die. He felt a rock drop to the bottom of his stomach. L̶i̶k̶e̶ ̶h̶e̶ ̶e̶v̶e̶n̶ ̶h̶a̶d̶ ̶t̶h̶a̶t̶ ̶a̶n̶y̶m̶o̶r̶e̶.

This was his fault.

After all, Socks was the captain of this ship. Everything that happens in it was his fault.

huh. i must be really motivated to write this pointing out i usually can't get two chapters of anything don't in a day.

welp. its 11oClock. I should be asleep lol.

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