Home once Again

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"So, what was it?" Nadwe asked. Blaza grinned.

"We're almost home. We're right by the moon about now," Blaza said. Nadwe shot up.

"FINALLY!" He yelled. Blaza grinned.

"I'd figured you'd be happy to hear that," he said. Nadwe kept grinning, tapping his feet excitedly against the ground.

"Ohh my god this is too good to be true! I figured we'd take another... I dunno. A week or something with all the setbacks" He said. Blaza smiled.

"So we probably should prepare, we don't know how rough the landing is, we should go to Nav," Blaza said, "and I'm getting Meme for this. Hate him all you want, I won't let anyone die." Nadwe grumbled.

"Fine whatever sure go ahead," Nadwe grumbled. Blaza sighed and walked over to medbay.


"This was a terrible idea," Laff said, uncomfortably shoving his hands in his pockets, trying to ignore the people staring at his gasmask. Just because his friends were used to it, doesn't mean most people were. At least most people didn't ask what happened.

"C'mon. Meme and Socks weren't going to come with me. And weren't you talking about how I needed supervision last week?" Blaza asked sarcastically. Laff sighed remembering the time where Blaza stacked all the chairs up in a pile at sat at the top. The pile fell of course, but Blaza didn't care. Even Socks started a Youtube channel based on all the stupid things Blaza or he ended up doing, and that didn't tell Blaza anything.

"Joking! I was joking!" Laff stressed. Blaza rolled his eyes dramatically.

"We can miss one day of training," Blaza dismissed Laffs concerns.

"Yeah, I get it, but not to go clothes shopping!" Laff said. Blaza turned around to stare at his friend.

"Wait, so your issue isn't that we're skipping, but we're going shopping?" Blaza asked. Laff always gave the impression of someone who was pretty proper, mostly his accent. The fact he was fine with skipping was news to him.

"So, what do you want to do then?" Blaza asked. Laff shrugged.

"I bet I could beat you in smash," Laff grinned.

"I have a Nintendo 64. I would like to see you try without your favourite character on the roster," Blaza bit back, pointing out there were only twelve choices. He personally mained as Ness. Laff smiled.

"Yeah, well I main Mario," Laff responded smoothly.

"Oh, it's on."


Blaza watched as Nadwe and Meme had some sort of starting content until Meme broke down about missing Nadwe. Though Nadwe ignored him, holding Junior close.

"So, how are we going to smuggle an alien back to earth?" Blaza asked. Nadwe shot up.

"OH CRAP! I forgot about that!" Nadwe yelled from his seat.

"I can smuggle him in my outfit, it's pretty fluffy," Meme suggested. Everyone looked at him.

"I thought you hated him?" Blaza asked. Meme nodded his head.

"I do, but I care about Nadwe and don't want him to kill me," Meme said simply. Junior popped and shrunk down even more.

"Hey! I can put him in my hats!" Nadwe said, placing the imposter on top of a hat but under the other.

"Nadwe?" Meme asked.


"I just wanted to say I'm sorry."


"Meme, remember when you made a joke about a house with no windows?" Blaza asked

"Yeah, Blaza?"

"We better get one."

"We probably could sue NASA for mental damage?" Nadwe said.

"Ooh. Good idea, that probably wouldn't help with much of the damage though," Blaza said.

The ship made a smooth landing. Well, as smooth as they would expect pointing out the ship really had to slow down quite a lot. Junior slipped out of Nadwe's hat and mimed something to Meme.

"He wants a notepad," Meme said, without even looking.


"He's mute," Meme said. Nadwe stared.

"Oh... Why d- I was about to say why didn't he tell me that but I guess we know why. Do you have one in your desk?" Nadwe asked. Meme nodded. Nadwe ran off to grab one, sliding that in his hats too.

"Ready?" Blaza asked. Meme and Nadwe nodded.

They were back on earth. Blaza let that sink in for a good minute. He wouldn't have to worry about aliens killing him, or his friends. He could just stay in a pile of blankets for the rest of his life, watching Anime for all he cared.

But first, he needed to leave. Blaza sighed and opened the doors.


Meme was furious. How DARE they assume since they survived, they must be aliens! Even Junior thought it was stupid! So now, they're stuck in a room. With one locked door. And no windows. Forced to write tests about themself SO THEY CAN SIT HERE FOR ANOTHER FEW DAYS and if they forgot anything about their childhood, they're dead!

"This is so stupid," Meme growled. Blaza nodded.

"Well, then what? We can't get anything wrong," Nadwe said, scribbling 'Monika' as his childhood crush.

[The room can't be air-tight. If I find a vent, I could bust you out] Junior wrote.

"Hey, that's... A good idea," Meme agreed. Blaza could tell he was rethinking some of his choices.

"I saw one under the bench in the back," Nadwe offered. The Imposter went over there and crawled in the vent, which made Nadwe feel quite uncomfortable (probably thinking of his own vent-climbing misadventures). Eventually, they heard a crack and the vent split open. Blaza motioned the others to jump down. Nadwe started to panic, closing his eyes and making himself as small as possible.

"Hey, you're going to be fine," Meme said. Nadwe wrapped MemeGod up in a hug.

"Meme... I'm scared," Nadwe whispered.

"Don't worry, I am too," Meme reassured him. After Nadwe gathered up his courage, he jumped. Meme followed.

"C'mon guys, my car is still here!" Blaza shouted. Meme quickly called shotgun as Nadwe and Meme got to their seats. Luckily, there wasn't much ventilation and Junior broke through a few walls. Blaza quickly put his key in and they drove off.

"Well, I guess we shouldn't sue NASA for anything since we broke out," Blaza said, once they figured no one saw them leave. Meme giggled.

[Oh, and the person in charge was an Imposter] Junior wrote.


so i said in a comment;

2. i mean...i have two styles; the normal one, and cryptic poetry XD 

*proceeds to write dialogue in cryptic poetry-*

also the chapter name is a reference to another chapter name i wrote-

also also this story seems to be finishing! one more chapter then i might make one on my thought process and why i chose things (including nadwe's kid, who to kill, some of my favourite lines/scenes...) idk though.

oh and the bad ending, i have to write that too XD

and i posted a new socksmp story check it out-

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