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Meme was feeling pretty lonely. It was the first night since... everything that he wasn't with Nadwe and Blaza. It was all Nadwe's fault for keeping that... thing! Meme wasn't being unreasonable or anything, he just valued his life! And Nadwe's life! And Blaza but Blaza was sensible...ish. He's been a lot different since...

Anyways. He was lonely. That's all that mattered. Nothing else, nope, nada not even how he wanted to strangle that little thing around the neck and keep Nadwe and Blaza safe in a bubble.

Nothing else mattered but those two.

And he needed to toughen up, he wouldn't let that freak ever breathe again.

But first, he had to get through the night. Manning up can happen tomorrow.

The Medbay doors shut and Meme screamed.


"So, Socks was it?" The nurse asked. Socks nodded and grimaced.

"Jeez, you really sprained it bad. I don't even want to know what you were doing! Are all the new recruits this bad?" She teased.

"Blaza? Yes. Laff? Hell no. He was trying to stop me. Tbh and Meme were filming this so I have nothing to say about them," Socks admitted. She giggled.

"That's boys for you!" She said, "Any questions?" Socks looked at his cast on his wrist.

"What's your name?" Socks asked. The nurse grinned.

"Are you trying to hit on me?" She teased. Socks grinned.

"Oh no, I just think Meme needs to talk to someone with an actual medical degree," Socks said.


"Oh, Meme keeps saying he has a medical degree. I think he's trying to look good for someone or something. Or just look like a nerd, which he is. Plus if he had a medical degree, he wouldn't be going to space," Socks shrugged. Truthfully, he had no idea how that joke started. The nurse nodded.

"And I still haven't gotten your name. I need someone to recommend him talking too," Socks winked.

"Ahh, well I'm Wictoria! Spelted with a W, don't ask," she said. Socks smiled.

"Nice to meet you."

A few hours later, when Socks and Meme were lying in their dorm in silence, Meme spoke up.

"I'm starting to agree with Laff. Maybe rice wasn't meant to do that," Meme admitted. Socks grinned.

"Oh, Meme. How dare you betray me like this!" He joked. Meme sat up.

"What do you mean, how dare you? I wasn't the one who thought a tower of rice could reach the ceiling! And I certainly wasn't the one who thought standing on it was a good idea, SOCKS!" Meme shot back.

"The rice was sticky! I thought it could hold me!" Socks defended himself. But truthfully? He just thought it would be fun. And then the others had to clean up.

"You literally don't have a brain," Meme grumbled. Socks shrugged.

"And I know I'm going to laugh about it later, but right now, my wrist really hurts and I want to go to sleep," Socks said, turning off the lights, "night MemeGod!"

"Goodnight Socks," Meme growled, annoyed Socks got away without more scolding.

"Oh and Meme? There was a girl at the doctor's office here at NASA with a REAL medical degree. Maybe you should go get some tips."

"Shut up, Socks."


"Where's Junior?" Blaza asked crossing his arms.

"You can't find him either!? I've been looking everywhere! Except for Medbay, of course," Nadwe said, exasperated.

"Maybe we should check Medbay?" Blaza suggested before immediately regretting it.

"Meme is in Medbay. Why would anyone want to go there? Plus he shut the doors on us, some loser," Nadwe yelled. Blaza sighed.

"The time you went there to get the radio doesn't count."

"How about I text Meme, so you don't have to check?" Blaza suggested.

"Please," Nadwe begged.

BananaMan: yo meme you know where jr is?

BananaMan: meeeeeeeemeeeeeeee

BananaMan: memegod

BananaMan: whaever just text me back when you see this

"Okay, I'll tell you when you when I get a response," Blaza shoved his phone back into his pocket.

"Thanks. Well, I'll try to do something useful, make sure this ship doesn't break," Nadwe said. As Nadwe walked off, Blaza called out to him.

"Hey, Nad. Are you okay?" He asked. Nadwe turned around and smiled.

"No. I haven't been since everyone died."


Meme couldn't breathe. The doors were shut and he was stuck in there with that thing.

He was going to die. Finally.

Half of him was yelling about how it took long enough, Joocie, Socks, Muffinjuice, all the others didn't deserve it! He didn't even have a real medical degree for crying out loud (he was only admitting this because he was about to die anyway)! He was truly the useless member of the ship, whose skills and more almost anyone else he could do.

The suspense was killing him, almost literally.


"Okay, so you're saying, the ONE night we have something planned, everyone wakes up?" Oompa yelled.

"Technically, relaxing was planned for yesterday but got postponed since Socks found something to do and we couldn't do anything to get him away?" Muffinjuice corrected. Oompa sighed.

"That doesn't change the fact we were going to do something!" He yelled, facepalming, "we obviously still can interact with things. We can't let them know that we're here!"

"How about we do that in space?" Joocie suggested.

"The ship is moving now. We need to keep an eye on it, mates," Laff said.

"How about in communications, no one ever goes in communications," Oof suggested.

"How about not," Tbh cheerfully countered. Socks sighed.

"How about we postpon-"

"NO!" Both of the other members of the orange gang yelled.

"We're doing it tonight and that's final!" Muffinjuice said. Socks grumbled.

"Okay, not comms, not Cafe, not Medbay... Reactor? I don't think too many people go to Reactor. Anyone die there?" Oompa suggested. Everyone shook their head and Oompa gave a diabolical grin.

"Alright! Last ghost to Reactor is a rotten egg!" Muffinjuice yelled. The rest of the crew, being immature babies followed. Except for Socks.

"You coming?" Dino asked. Socks sighed.

"Yeah. Give me a minute." Dino shrugged and followed after.

Truthfully, Socks needed more than a minute. But a minute could be fine for now.

dun dun DUHHH

will meme be okay? tune into the next episode of 'local idiot writes an entire chapter in one day due to too many stories to work on and no social life-'

it's 11:30 at night i need to sleep

have a great day/night!

Survivor GuiltTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon