Little Problem

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Blaza just finished entering everything the manual told him, testing it, learning that it was indeed correct, actually programming it in, and pressing start a few minutes ago and was currently triple checking everything. After finishing that, he put his legs up.

"GUYS! I'M DONE!" He shouted. Meme and Nadwe rushed over from where ever they were.

"Finally! I was thinking you were never gonna-" Meme started before Nadwe interrupted him


"Nadwe, no," Meme sighed




"Nadwe now is not the time."

"Hey! You were the one telling me to stay positive yesterday!" Nadwe said, crossing his arms.

"Yes but Rickrolling isn't staying positive!"

"It so is!"

"Guys!" Blaza said, jumping between the two, "calm down!"

"Hmpf," Meme grumbled, "so, you said you got the ship running?" Blaza nodded.

"So, we're finally going home?" Nadwe asked. Blaza grinned.

"I mean, once the ship gets there, yeah!" Blaza said.

"You know what? Once we get back to earth, I'm never going to go outside at night again. No more space for me!" Meme grinned.

"I second that!" Blaza said.

"I third that! An apartment with no windows that looks like some sort of weirdo lives there!" Nadwe said.

"Also we all need an immense about of therapy, there's no point denying it," Meme said.

"Okay, fair. I see that," Blaza said.

"And lastly, I don't think we'll ever be able to be separated by other people for more than an hour before wondering if they died again," Meme said, "we're screwed."


"Hey, Joocie! Want to start a food fight?" Socks yelled from across the cafeteria. Just because they were all in trouble, didn't mean they would strive to be better.

"How are we supposed to answer that question! He's literally asking 'Hey Joocie! Want to get into even more trouble?'" Joocie exclaimed.



"Why not?" Tbh shrugged.

"I already know what you're thinkin', and it's a bad idea!" Laff shouted from another end, away from the chaos.

"This is the greatest plan!" Tbh said, "we just answer by throwing food at them!"

"Yeah, but I like brussel sprouts..." Nadwe grumbled. The other two looked at him in shocked silence.

"How the heck do you like brussel sprouts!? They're so disgusting!" Tbh said.

"Are you or not?" Meme yelled, pilling his mashed potatoes up. Joocie quickly stole Nadwe's brussel sprouts and covered them in potatoes.

"I think this will answer your question!" Joocie exclaimed, yeeting the food at Meme before the Memegod screeched. Blaza, who seemed to be the other member of Sock's Team grinned.

"Oh, it's on," Blaza said before throwing some food at Laff.

"You are so going to regret this," Laff muttered before taking TBVG's food and throwing it at Meme.

"Why is everyone targeting me," Meme groaned.

"And why isn't anyone throwing their own food?" Nadwe grumbled as Tbh stole the rest of his potatoes. He grabbed his fork and stole a bit of Joocies salad. To eat, not to throw. Oompa stood up.

"I'm going before we get into too much trouble, who's with me!" Oompa said before dramatically walking out of the room, failing to avoid some stray potatoes that Socks threw.

All in all, it was worth it.


"Cleaning the Oxygen filter?" Meme asked, going through his list.

"Needed, obviously," Nadwe said. Blaza sat there, confused.

"I still don't know what you two are doing," he said.

"We're almost done, give us a minute," Meme said before diverting his attention to Nadwe, "Inspect sample?"

"The samples will probably be fine. We can put that one off until we get back," Nadwe shrugged.

"And lastly, Divert Power?"

"I think we have to."

"Guys, will you tell me what you're talking about now?" Blaza asked.

"Oh! You know how we have to do tasks? Since there's a lot less of us now, we can't do as much as we used to. So we were just figuring out what we have to do now, what we have to do later, and what is not as important and we can put off for longer. Here's your stack," Meme said, passing Blaza a lot of cards listing different things around the ship to do.

"Meet up in an hour?" Nadwe suggested. Meme nodded.

"I'd hate if something happened to you guys," Meme said, completely serious.

"Aww! So you do care!" Blaza cooed. Meme grumbled.

"No, I'm just done with cleaning up bodies for the rest of my life." Everyone entered a dismal silence.

"I'll, uh, go start on these," Blaza said awkwardly before making his way away from the cafeteria.

After emptying the garbage shoots, and diverting some of the power that accidentally undiverted (somehow), and wondering why the ship was so high maintenance, Blaza made it back for check-in. Meme was sitting on the table, tapping his foot on the chair.

"Did you see Nadwe? I haven't seen him anywhere!" Meme asked. Blaza shook his head.

"Maybe he's on the other side of the ship?" Blaza asked. Meme sighed. Another five minutes passed.

"I think we should go look for him," Meme said, worried. Blaza nodded.

"How about you look, and I sit here in case he comes and you don't catch him?" Blaza suggested. Meme nodded and ran off. Another few minutes, and Meme came back, scolding Nadwe.

"Nadwe! We need to get rid of it!" Meme yelled, "It's probably an imposter!"

"Yeah, but look at it! How could you possibly hate such a handsome face!" Nadwe said, showing something to Meme that Blaza couldn't tell. Meme pushed it away from him.

"Keep that THING away from me!" Meme squealed like a little baby.

"Aww is the wittle FatMemeGod scawed of something who is taller thwen hwis IQ?" Nadwe said, giggling.

"I am FAR more big-brained than that thing is tall, I have a medical degree after all. And yes. I am scared because it's going to KILL US ALL!" Meme shouted

"Woah, Woah, Woah! What are you two even talking about?" Blaza asked. Meme sighed.

"Show him, Nadwe," Meme instructed. Nadwe turned towards Blaza, holding a miniature version of himself.

There is one (very obvious) Imposter among us. Also, Nadwe's child makes an appearance! I figured he would be a cute (and unneeded) addition to the party!

Also, as of right now, I can see 3 final outcomes. 2 involve everyone dying though lol. The Good End I've dubbed the 'Therapy ending'. One of the bad ends will also decrease the size of the story, and the other bad end is about the same sizes as the Therapy Ending so I could maybe write both and you can pick your favourite. Or you could comment down below what you want to see!

Have a great day!

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