AJ (Alternative ending)

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this has been in the works since i finished survivor guilt and man do i love junior and this is just a silly little what if except not silly and everyone is sad

starts in the middle of Little Problem. contains my typical badly written murder scenes but if you read the main fic you should be fine

The small one with the weird hats was still looking around. Aije knew that. They knew the small one would come into this room next and truthfully they didn't know what to do. They would have cursed but they haven't been able to talk for a while (they wouldn't be able to defend themself they would be thrown out and die. Did he get caught by one of the other three? That had to be it).

Therefore, they needed to think. And fast.

Alas, AJ wasn't good at thinking fast. That's why they turned into the first thing they thought of, just smaller. And that just happened to be the boy in front of him.

And once again, he swore in his head. There was no possible way of this going well.


AJ hated this. They hated being on the ship. They hated this dumb test. And more importantly, they hated Xin and Tei.

I think it was safe to say they just hated everything right now!

"Remind me again why I'm coming along if you two are going to do all the work?" AJ asked as they rolled their eye. Xin patted AJ on the head and he growled.

"Oi!" AJ yelled.

"It's simple, you're coming along so you can figure out what you'll do when you get back home. Unless you want to help out at NASA. They said there was a few more roles that we need to take over. Hmm... Maybe you could be the doctor? They said she was still working, they need someone talented to take over her role, apparently she's the best at her job." Xin snickered, showing AJ they had no faith in them getting such an important job. AJ huffed.

"Alright, since we're the experts here, maybe we'll should actually start showing Aije here what to do?" Tei asked.

"Just call me AJ, everyone does."

"Right, AJ. Whatever," Tei didn't really seem to care about AJ's nickname, "we've been calling you Aije forever, why the sudden change?"

"'cause. Why is it such a big deal to you?" AJ bit back, "I like it. I'm allowed to like my name, right?"

AJ liked it simply because they liked human things. Not every young one could go to Earth so young, and AJ jumped to the opportunity. They didn't care what they had to them, they just wanted to see humans in person. Nicknames were a human thing, and they wanted one.

"Anyways, first you have to wait until two humans come out. You can do it one at a time, or use the first to lure the second, but since you're a beginner we'll just wait for two."

And wait they did. Two whole days. That was fine and all other then how painfully boring it was. So they did what they did best, watch.

The one with weird socks seemed to be the leader. The other two seemed to have more attention on him. Probably to get him first.

Tall hoodie guy was his friend. They were often together and he had a coin which apparently had the ability to figure out the best course of action.

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