There is One Imposter Among us

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"It's obviously an imposter, but I don't know how it got on the ship," Meme said, crossing his arms.

"Yeah! But look how cute he is!" Nadwe said, squishing the mini-him's cheeks, "he's literally me!"

"An imposter in our sights is better than an imposter we don't know where it is. Or who they are, it's pretty obvious who this thing is," Blaza pointed out.

"Wait, Nadwe, did you see others onboard?" Meme panicked.

"Not that I could tell! I only saw this little guy!" Nadwe said, holding the imposter up so everyone could see him, even though no one wanted to.

"Please. Get. That. Thing. Away. From. Me," Meme cringed, pushing Nadwe away.

"It can't kill if you tie down its arms?" Blaza suggested.

"They're shapeshifting aliens! It'll escape somehow, lose its arms or something!" Meme said, throwing up his arms. The imposter whimpered.

"Guys! You're making him sad!" Nadwe sad, frowning and using puppy-dog eyes.

"Yeah, we don't care about IT. Obviously," Meme grumbled, "how about we throw it out of the airlock?"

"How about you don't!" Nadwe countered.

"Nadwe that THING killed all our friends!" Meme said. Nadwe stopped moving, eyes unfocused.

"Sorry, uh, maybe not this certain one? Please can we not talk about that?" Nadwe suggested.

"They did get thrown in the airlock of space..." Blaza said.

"So? How do we know they need an atmosphere!" Meme contradicted shrilly. The other two stayed silent, only broken by the small Imposter's crying.

"Look at you! You made Nadwe Jr. cry!" Nadwe said, holding him close.

"So it has a name now, does it?" Meme grumbled. Nadwe nodded.

"I guess we're keeping it?" Blaza said.

"NO! We're not!" Meme shouted.

"Pleaseee! Anyone could be a good person if they just tried! I'll promise to make sure he doesn't do anything!" Nadwe begged. Meme threw up his hands.

"I CAN'T lose either of you!" Meme shouted, "you two all are I have left! I can't lose another person again!" Everyone stopped and stared.

"Fine. Whatever, But someone better have an eye on that THING at all times," Meme said, before getting up and leaving. Blaza and Nadwe looked after him.

"Someone needs to sort out his priorities," Nadwe whistled.


"Space, the final frontier! Thes-"

"I'm pretty sure that's copywrited," Meme said. Blaza frowned.

"So? I'm in the middle of space. Star Trek can't get me," Blaza said, kicking his feet up on the cafeteria table. Socks stifled a laugh.

"Meme, he got you there!" Socks said. Meme sighed.

"How about when we get back home, huh?"

"The only thing this conversation teaches us is Meme doesn't know what Copywrite means," Laff said. Socks and Blaza snickered.

"Hey!" Meme yelled causing everyone to laugh more.

"Relax buddy, we're just teasing you!" Blaza said, nudging Meme who growled at him.

"Yeah, just like the time I asked you to come with me and you insisted it was a date. You just made weird kissy noises at me the entire time!" Socks exclaimed and everyone laughed more. Meme buried his face in his hands.

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