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"Huh, I thought at least one of you would be dead by now," Blaza said, as Meme handed off Nadwe Jr. to him.

"What can I say?" Meme shrugged



"You can say potato," Blaza replied smoothly. Meme facepalmed.

"I hate you so much," Meme grumbled. Blaza winked.

"I love you too, Meme," He said.

"Where's Nadwe?" Meme asked. Blaza shrugged.

"No idea, though I wasn't looking though," Blaza said. Meme nodded.

"I'll find him, just take care of it, ok?" Meme asked. Blaza nodded. After checking the entire main floor of the ship, he went upstairs to check the cabin. Nadwe was sleeping there. Meme decided to let him sleep. When he came down, Blaza was putting his feet up on the Navigation table, wearing sunglasses, Nadwe Jr. sitting on him, doing typical baby behaviour (Though Meme still didn't trust him).

"You are literally going to ruin something," Meme said, crossing his arms. Blaza tipped his sunglasses down.

"No." Blaza put his sunglasses back up. Meme growled.

"Don't blame me when you kick something important."



"The screen is off and I turned off the keyboard."

"Oh," Meme said. Blaza nodded. Nadwe Jr. stood up, causing Blaza to have to steady him.

"Woah!" Blaza jested, "could you try to be less careful?" Nadwe Jr. nodded and pointed towards Meme. Meme flinched.

"Oh? You want to go to Meme?" Blaza asked. Nadwe Jr. nodded once again. Meme sighed.

"Fine," He said, grabbing the Imposter. Nadwe Jr. hugged Meme, pulling his Cookie Monster suits fur close. Blaza grinned.

"Well, I'm going to take a nap. Have fun!" Blaza said. Nadwe Jr. Pointed towards the reactor area. Meme nodded and went over there.





You wouldn't let him. You had so much to live for.


"COWER BEFORE MY GREATNESS!" Socks yelled, T-posing on a table. TBVG snickered from the hallway, where he was standing guard for when the NASA worker was to come back. Blaza fell back dramatically.

"Noo! My only weakness!" Blaza said. Meme snickered.

"You guys are literally so adopted," Meme said. Tbh grinned, getting this all on his phone.

"All mighty Socks! May I be spared, and in return, I will offer you a sacrifice!" Nadwe called out.

"Tell me, young one. What is it that you will offer?" Socks asked, not letting the persona slip.

"Laff's soul?" Nadwe offered, causing Laff to glare at him.

"Nuh-uh. You aren't gettin' m-"

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