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gore warning but i can't write gore so it's kinda not really?

"Need any help?" Meme asked Blaza. Blaza sighed.

"I'll figure it out. This thing does have a test button, which lets me 'run it' without actually running it and screwing everything up. The good news though, it is actually earth coordinates. Though on second thought, I don't know why Socks just left it on the ground circled and stared a few times," Blaza said.

"But that's not all you need?"

"Yeah. It might just be easier to go to comms and contact HQ, but I'll keep working for the backup plan."


"Okay, so we know Muffinjuice is dead," Blaza said, crossing his arms, "Aaand that's it. We know nothing about who the killer is."

"Wait! Where's Tbh?" Meme asked. Everyone paused as they noticed one more empty seat.

"H-He can't be dead... Right?" Meme stuttered, "Not Tbh... Not him." Laff slowly nodded.

"Seems to be so," Laff said gravely.

"I saw Joocie walk with Tbh!" Oof offered. Meme's head turned up.

"JOOCIE! IT HAS TO BE YOU! YOU'RE THE REASON THAT... Reason that... Crap. Tbh was always here to lighten the mood, he was the NICEST person on this ship. He's dead! And it's ALL YOUR FAULT," Meme yelled. Joocie backed up.

"I swear it wasn't me! We just went to do tasks together, but then my download was taking a while so I told him I was fine!" Joocie said, sweating now, "He said he had to do somethings by shields and never came back!"

"I was over by shields and didn't see him," Laff said, "Maybe if we double-check eletri-"

"Actually, I did see him going that way," Oompa objected, "We passed between storage and comms. I saw you too, Laff. I don't know why you're lying." Everyone's eyes darted between the two suspects, Laff and Joocie. No one knew who to trust.

"This is like Socks death all over again, maybe we should just skip," Oof finally said.

"And allow them to keep toying with our lives? Not a chance!" Meme exclaimed, "Blaza, any ideas?"

Okay, you see, I have this shiny golden coin... and it will decide your fate."


Meme was walking to comms when he noticed a faint smell in the air. Blood. He knew that smell very well... What if Nadwe was... No, he didn't want to think about that. He slowly walked over to comms.

Oh crap.

This wasn't Nadwe's body.

Tbh's body was hastily stuffed under the desk in the back of the room, his head was mauled to the point the only reason he was identifiable from TBVG is Meme knew where his body was. His arms were ripped off, which caused bloodstains everywhere. The imposter seemed to have decided to display the blood, knowing how no one came this way, the wall was decorated with dried smiles and messy messages. They were set on the chair like some sort of trophy to be displayed.

He couldn't scream.

He couldn't shout.

All he could do was laugh.


Blaza knew Meme pretty well. For starters, he knew Meme's basic reaction to anything was to laugh. Not just when someone told him a funny joke, he laughed when he saw some of the bodies. Not the same laugh, but he still laughed.

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