#Stuck between a jet and polar opposites.

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In the lair, the sirens, girls, bros, and predacores were waiting in front of the door leading to the hangar.

Star sapphire: so why are we here.

Flash: oh, oh, oh, Ursis said that he and Mohawk had a special surprise behind these doors.

Batgirl: oh, I hope it's good

Then Mohawk walk in and stood in-front of the door.

Mohawk: Ladies and Gentlemen... oh wait just gentlemen[ chuckles].

The girls and sirens glare at Mohawk.

Mohawk: my I introduce you to the lean machine of the sky, the soaring speed demon, the one and only Sky crusher.

Mohawk then opened the door to a dark room, then lights turn on and revealed a large dark green jet. 

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(not my design but this is it what it would look like, they are green lines on the sides, front, and top parts of the glass that reclines back an allows entrance

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(not my design but this is it what it would look like, they are green lines on the sides, front, and top parts of the glass that reclines back an allows entrance. 

The girls and bros were speech while Mohawk smirked.

Batgirl: when did you have time to make it.

Mohawk: when you girls were having your "cat fights".

???: it took 3 whole months to build.

They look back to see ursis on top of the jet.

Ursis: but that doesn't matter, because one of you gets to fly this bad boy with me.

On cue the girls all raise they hand, as well as some of the bros, but none from the preds. Ursis laughs as he starts picking someone until his finger lands on granite and this shocks the girls.

Girls: hey

Ursis: sorry but this is granite's first official team up with me so come on.

Granite walks up to the jet and jumps on up and enters the jet along with Ursis. A larger door opens revealing a tunnel as ursis powered up sky crusher as they turn around and blast off reaching mark 2. This caused The girls and bros to be send back into the wall, they hear laughter as the look up to see Mohawk and Teryx in a separate room laughing.

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