#When one Beast was bad enough

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In the lair Ursis was busy upgrading the inventions, vehicles, and equipment. Then the lights started to flicker and we see livewire appear on screen.

Livewire: hey beastie.

Ursis: hey sparky

She then leaves the computer and lands on top ursis pushing him back as she lands on his lap.

Livewire: you know, you've been working so hard,, you deserve a break.

Ursis: oh, and what do you have in mind, my little spark plug.

Livewire then gets up and walks to the computer and turn around leaning back.

Livewire: you tell me.

Ursis: Oh I think I know. Come here.

Ursis walks over and wraps his arm around her back and pulls her into a kiss which turns in an electric make out. Livewire puts her arms around ursis's neck as he puts his hand on the back of her head pushing her close as his other hand starts rubbing her back soon moving to her leg rubbing it. They soon depart and both breath heavily and heads connected. They smirk and before the could French kiss, the computer turned on and showed Mohawk.

Mohawk: boss, you might want to come up here, this is urgent. Oh and hey livewire hehehehe.

Mohawk then turns off the computer as livewire growls.

Livewire: just when it was getting good. I'm so going to get that gremlin.

Ursis: well you going to have to get in line, that's the six time this week he done that. Now come on, if he's lying then you can pummel all you want.

Livewire: your so sweet. Alright let's go.

They do one last kiss and go. Once the door to the living room floor open and livewire and ursis stepped out. What they saw next totally shocked. MK, Y/N little sister, in a...a.... a beast spin!

Ursis:[shock] is that 

Mohawk: a beast spin, yeah.  One second we're having a movie but the next minute we know MK's eyes starts glowing and starts spinning like you do.

Rick: don't bother trying to grab her, most of us tried but.

Rick points to the girls and Teryx unconscious.

Ursis: I got this. When I say now you catch her and hold her.

Then ursis then did a beast spin and Rick turns rock. Ursis then charge at MK as they both collide and starts bouncing around the room. Ursis starts circling around MK and starts bumping her and soon bashed her out of her spin and into the granite, who restrained her.ursis stops and looks over to MK who is completely different: she has white hair, purple skin and greens eyes minus the pupils( she in a wild frenzy). Mohawk then knocks her out with a tranquilizer dart as she goes unconscious. After they cleaned up they went down to the lair and they took MK to the healing/lab chamber. They put her down on a table an Mohawk does a scan on MK.

Green lantern: have you found out what's wrong with her.

Mohawk: I'm checking.

Batgirl: do you know why she looks like ursis.

Bumblebee: oh why she did a beast spin.

Mohawk: I'm checking!

Catwoman: do you know what your doing.

Mohawk then activated his blades and holds them under catwoman and batgirls chins. He turns around and looks at them menacly. 

Mohawk: I'm am doing everything I can to help MK. So if you don't stop nagging me on what I'm doing the next few moments will involve me, you, a strap table, and a whole lot tools.

Dc superhero girls x reader: The Beast unleashedWhere stories live. Discover now