#The Good, The Bad, and The Beastie part 3

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- underneath L/N mansions

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- underneath L/N mansions

Teryx was watching  a glass cage that head bumblebee, Zatanna and green lantern. While Y/N was informing his family what happened.

Mom: so let me get this straight, you were tracking down a lead that could lead you to this new group of villains

Y/N: yep

Mom: then you fought batgirl and won, and tossed her off a roof

Y/N: heh yep

Mom: then you set  a trap that was meant for the bad guys but trap the superhero girls, who you then fought with Mohawk and Teryx. 

Y/N: yep

Mom: and then capture them and keeping them prisoner!

Y/N to be fair mom they we're going to do the same to me but I wanted things to go differently.

Mom: yeah I can see why they would treat you differently, so what are you going to do now 

Y/N: I'm going to interrogate them see what they know if it goes I let them, far away from here

Mom: and if it doesn't

Y/N: they will probably stall for time until their friends are here to rescue for are coming cause they put a tracker on Teryx but I found it while I was smelling their items they were either wear of had on them, ( looks at his disturbed mom), with my tracking powers.

Mom: ok so if they coming here should we prepare 

Y/N: don't worry me and Mohawk got it covered

Mom:and where is Mohawk

Y/N: sneaking into the superhero girl's hideout 

Mom: really, and what should I do 

Y/N: you and MK should wear a mask to cover your face  be prepared if they attack and mistake for a security guard 

Mom:( makes her remember an old friend) heh ok, wait where is Mackenzie 

They both look around to see that she is no where to be found, until they realize something, she's is a huge fan of the superhero girls 

Both of them: the lair 

-Underneath the L/N mansion

Green lantern: well this is a huge bust

Zatanna( mouth still stuck): muffed noise

Bumblebee: yep

As they were waiting they didn't realize that they were being watched by another pair of eyes were watching them, ones of a child the child was about to come out of the shadows and say something when someone jump in front of her with it's backside facing her.

Dc superhero girls x reader: The Beast unleashedWhere stories live. Discover now