#BeastinShow: like owner like pet.

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Like I said this is where Teryx finds out he is not then only super pet in metropolis. This will take place after the dog competition and where Kara, Babs, Ace and Krypto in the park.

Babs: You know what, Kara, Krypto really should have won that dog show.Who says you need discipline to be a good boy?

Kara:No way, Ace totally owned it. You definitely don't need powers to be a good boy.

Babs: They're both good boys, aren't they?

Kara: The best boys.

All of a sudden they hear a sound and look to see a cat, which screech and run away from ace and krypto with babs and Kara on their tail.

Both: No. Bad. Bad boys. No. Bad boys. Bad boys! Bad boys!

But then krypto stops and sniffs the air, then ace does, the they then head right with krypto caring ace.

Kara:ugh Babs where are they going.

Babs: hhm they clearly got a whiff of something[gasp] doesn't that path lead to...

Kara then gasp and picks up Babs.

Kara: come on 

She then flew off.

-At L/N mansion, right by the pool.

Teryx, in his wolf form was sleeping by pool. Then Y/N comes in carrying a  pile of meat.

Y/N: Fang I hope you hungry

Y/N puts the meat down as fang wakes, he then smiles and eats it in a couple of seconds. Fang then sniffs the air and begins to wag his tail.

Y/N: oh were you smelling...

Y/N then pulls out a giant bone the size of his car and fang eyes glows red.

Y/N: this.

Y/N then tossed it to fang, but before he could grab it, a white blur flew past Y/N and grabbed the bone and knocked fang into a wall. Then a splash was heard, Y/N looks back to see Ace getting out of the pool. 

Y/N: hey ace

Ace then noticed Y/N and went over to him.

Y/N: so mind telling what went past me

Ace then pointed behind Y/N as he looked to see a white dog that is chewing on fangs bone.

Y/N: who's that

???: that's Krypto 

Y/N looks behind him to see babs and Kara as supergirl and batgirl landing right infront of Y/N.

 Supergirl: my dog(chuckles). Krypto!

Krypto then notice Sipergirl and went over to her.

Supergirl: drop it, drop it right now.

Before Krypto could drop it, they all heard a large roar and over to see red glowing eyes coming from the hole in the wall.

Everyone: oh no 

Then the creature flew out of the hole in the wall and tackle krypto making Teryx on top of krypto glaring at him with eyes that says your dead.

Then the creature flew out of the hole in the wall and tackle krypto making Teryx on top of krypto glaring at him with eyes that says your dead

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