#Misgiving Tree

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-At metropolis high

Jessica finished working on her Envirobeat column and printed them out. She then  placed then everywhere around school and gave them to everyone, until passing them to the girls and Y/N.

Jessica: Well, it looks like people are finally starting to read my "EnviroBeat" column.

Then everyone stopped eating and looked at each other, leaving Jess confused.

Jessica: what?

Babs finished eating at pointed over to the trash can overflowing with Jess's crumbled up flyers, which shocked Jess.

Zee:Oh, Jess, sorry, but your column might just be a lost cause.

Jessica( gets up and slams her hand on the table): [angry] There's no such thing as a lost cause! That's literally the name of my latest article. You could have at least recycled, you animals! Huh?

She then sees a kid about to the another flyer in the trash.

Jessica: Don't you dare!

The kid then threw the crumbled flyer but instead of it landing in the trash, it hit a red hair sitting alone, Jess then glared at who was laughing, then slowly left, she then looked at the girl who got hit by a bunch of other flyers, and returned to her seat with a saddened look.

Jessica: That poor girl. No one to eat lunch with, no one to talk to...No friends, at all!

Babs:[slurp her noodles] Oh, Jess! Poor unobservant, unperceptive Jess. Don't you see her hair carefully placed to hide the face? The downward direction of the gaze. The oversized baggy clothes, that tuck her away from society. [chuckle] It doesn't take a super sleuth like me to figure out Pam Isley doesn't want friends.

Jessica: Nonsense! Everyone wants friends. Pam just hasn't met the right one...

Zee: Oh, no, Jess, please don't.

Y/N: Jess seriously for once...

Jessica: ...yet.

Y/N: let it go ugh

Kara: Dude. Seriously, leave it alone. Pam Isley's a lost cause.

Jessica: There's no such thing as a lost cause.

She then leaves as everyone groans. We then she Pam putting a napkin over her lettuce and starts devouring the meat. Who is then startled by Jessica.

 Who is then startled by Jessica

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Jess then sees Pam's plant.

Jessica: So, is this your plant?

Pam: This is Phil. He complains if I leave him home alone with the rhododendrons.

Jessica: Oh! How fascinating! I have a peace lily at home who wilts when I forget to water him.

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