Family bio

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Y/N's Mom: 

(Blue eyes)

Name: Jade L/N

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Name: Jade L/N

Personality: caring, fierce, happy, sweet, helpful, wise, cheerful, and athletic.

Likes: training, cooking, building vehicles, her company, teasing Y/N,  movie nights, spending time with family, music, training others, and her weapon 

Dislike: perverts, Superman, getting ignored, bullies, and seeing her loved ones hurt in any way. Mohawk ( sometimes)

Her weapon:

Her weapon:

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Y/N's Sis:

(Blue eyes)

Name: Makenzie (MK  for short)

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Name: Makenzie (MK  for short)

Likes: being mischievous ,her brother, mother, pulled pranks, tricks, sleepovers, animals, movies, jokes, singing, and Mohawk.

Dislikes: Superman, bullies, everyone fighting, losing,  being scared.

Y/N's buddy Mahowk: 

(Has a fin on its head, read and dragon like qualities including wings a barbed tail and these on his arms)

(Has a fin on its head, read and dragon like qualities including wings a barbed tail and these on his arms)

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( the hooks arms are pendulum shaped and are actually metal that reconnect to his elbows and disconnect to be used as weapons)

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( the hooks arms are pendulum shaped and are actually metal that reconnect to his elbows and disconnect to be used as weapons)



Pyrokinesis( can set his whole body a flame and gets more hotter the second)

Super smart( and super crazy),( can create any invention and destroy any high tech equipment, P. S he was made to destroy the watch tower)

Arm blades, barb tail


Duplication( same power as dido, Bens alien)

Likes: explosion, high tech stuff ,his new family, pizza, burritos, having fun, causing chaos, messing with Jade, spending  time with MK, parties ,pulling pranks, Calling Y/N big boss

Dislikes: not get have fun, boredom, Superman, someone bulling MK, and getting hit by Jade's weapon

His ride:

His ride:

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-That concludes the family bio the next part will consist of the new house in metropolis. Until next time!

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