Chapter Two: Monster Is He, Monster Is Me

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Antonio's POV:
It's been two years. Two long years since my father's death and things have changed. Alexandro Griffin is no more.

Only Antonio Du Luca remains.

I am feared, hated, despised. I am alone. No family, no friends, no weaknesses and that is how I like it. I have nothing to lose, nothing to take which only makes me more dangerous. No one can stop me. I have no loved ones to threaten, no leverage to make me someone's puppet or lap dog. I am just as ruthless and as heartless as the three men who supported me, they contributed to making me the monster I am today. Unlike my father and Alexandro, I have no mercy or kindness; or love. It is far better to be feared than loved. And that is the truth.

I pushed away the last person who ever could or would love me.

"Alec, just listen to me please. Your dad wouldn't want you to become this. You're kind and good, that's just who you are. Don't let this change you into some cold hearted monster because that's not you. Please Alec."

I still remember shoving him against the wall of my father's office. Wrapping my hand around his neck as a growled in his face.

"Alec, please don't."

I tightened my grip before I roughly pressed my lips against his. I bite his lower lip making him hiss allowing me to push my tongue inside his mouth claimed it as mine. His whimpers fed this rage inside of me, I needed, no, I wanted more. I loosed my grip as I dragged him to the desk, pushing whatever was left off there before the sound of his back smacked off the hard wood bounced off the walls.

I ripped our shirts off and pinned his hands above his head with one hand, I felt my claws dig into his wrists as I fought Caden for control. Our blood mixed together running down his arms. I nipped the skin along his collar bone allowing my free hand to run down his chest, tracing his ribs and the scars that litter his body before I buried my face into his neck breathing in his scent.

"Alec, please stop."

I growled against his neck, and moved away from him. I wanted to, I really wanted to. I wanted to tease him, touch him, taste him; I wanted to fuck him so badly because he's mine but I...I can't. I'll let you win just this once Alexandro.

"My name is Antonio. You want me to stop; I'll stop."

I turned my back on him taking deep breath what..what was that. Out of the corner of my eye I saw his hand reached up to his neck feeling for my mark but when he felt nothing his eyes fell and he stared at the ground.

"My father is dead Kayson. He's dead and so is the man you knew. You don't know me and you never will. Make sure your gone when I get back."

I never saw him again after that, I didn't dare go back into my father's office. I haven't stepped foot in there since that day, I just couldn't. What I did...what I could have done it is better that I live more or less alone, that I have no one around me. I don't even talk to my soldiers I send Chance or Ripper to dish out my orders. They are a link to my past, to Alexandro. He was weak and I am not. They make us weak which is why I shut myself in my room or my office. I don't need anyone, especially them.

Considering I'm a werewolf, Chance is constantly telling me that I'm behaving more like a vampire. Locking myself away from the world and everyone around me but that's just how I like it. I'm told I shouldn't act the way I do, that it's a curse but this is who I am, who I will always be from now on. I will never be like my father.

"Ant? Antonio?"

I snapped out of my thoughts about Kayson and pushed my father's death out of my mind as I registered who had disturb my silence.

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