Chapter Seven: Personal Hell

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Kayson's POV:
Pain doesn't make you stronger.

It builds up and mixes with all the different emotions like loss, regret it all just becomes your own personal hell.

I felt it, the pain cut through me like a knife when I felt Antonio mark someone else. I felt my legs buckle under me as I fell the ground, a howl rippling its way through my throat.

How could he do that?! How could he just mark someone else?!

A low growl escaped my lips as I pushed myself up off the floor. Is this what you want Antonio?! To broke me; you did that two years ago. To make me run to you; I won't. I love you but that isn't enough for you is it?

"Kayson? Kayson are you okay?"

I quickly wiped my tears away before I stole a glance at myself in the mirror. I looked like shit, my eyes are red, my skin is pale and my hair looks like a bird's nest.

Eva knocked on my door again and I shuffle closer to the door. I couldn't open the door looking like this she'll know something up.

"Yeah Evie I'm fine look I'm going to bed night."

I heard her sigh before the sound of her footsteps retreating was the only sound I could hear. I'm sorry Eva but I can't tell you what's going on, I can't tell you the truth.

I don't even know what the truth is anymore.

I dropped onto my bed just staring up at the ceiling. I'm sinking into my personal hell faster and faster by the second. I can't get out of the pit I've been thrown in, I'm digging and digging trying to find a way out but I'm just sinking deeper and deeper. He doesn't love me, did he ever love me? Was it all just an act? Does he know what happened to me and want nothing to do with me?

"Well we've got a show for you tonight folks, in the red corner we have The Wolf and in blue corner we have The Master."


It was a stupid idea, well it wasn't at the time. At the time it felt good, it made me feel better. I bruised and cut open my knuckles, I broke bones I let myself go. I brought pain to other and took the pain they dished out. I could cope with the physical pain, I needed to feel something anything other then sadness and betrayal. I couldn't deal with the mental pain but the pain I got from the fights it made me feel strong.

My fist collided with the jaw of my opponent. His head flew back into place in a second and I was amazed he did get whiplash. He hit me in the centre of my chest nearly knocking me to my knee. Fuck he's strong as fast. It was certainly a change of pace to the usual people I go against.

He kicked at my legs landing a punch straight into my jaw sending me to the floor. I wiped the blood off my bottom lip and watched as my opponent's eyes darkened at the sight of blood.

I growled allowing my claws to extend kicked up off the floor. I ran towards my opponent I just about managed to run my claws cross my opponent's face before he sped off. I span round to and ducked just in time to dodge his next assault. It's time this backwards and forwards game to ended. I pounced barely managing to pin my opponent to the ground. I growled feeling my eyes flash wanting my opponent to submit. My opponent just smirked at me and before I I knew it I was pulled off my opponent.

He stood in front of me wrapping his hand around my neck still smiling before he shoved my head to the side and bit down into my neck; everything just went black.


I ran my hand along the side of my neck as I remembered that night, the night of my accident if you could call it that.

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