Chapter Fifteen: I Kissed Him

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Xadrian's POV:
I could hear it. I could hear it all; the yelling, the screaming, Antonio's words. He told them I was his; that he'd die to protect me. He..he didn't care that the Masters want me back, he's fighting right now because of me. I sniffed for a bit trying to calm myself down, he'll be okay. I wiped my eyes with my sleeve and finally allowed the pendant to fall against my chest before I covered my ears in an attempt to block out the noise.

I couldn't listen to it anymore.

I just wanted Antonio to come back and when I heard him call out my name I couldn't help but throw my arms around him. I didn't care he was covered in blood I just needed to feel safe and I trust him to make me feel safe, I trust Antonio.

My lips tingled as I kissed him. I don't know what came over me, even with Winter giving me that extra nudge it still felt right. He and Alec make me feel safe and loved just like how my Papa made my Mamma feel. I felt Antonio cup my face as he kissed me back, his hold was so gentle but all too soon he pulled away. I lifted my hand to touch my lips, I can't believe I did that. I..I kissed him; I've never kissed him. I've never kissed Alec, I've never kissed anyone like that before.

"I'm going to go shower Piccolo. There are some more clothes for you to change into in the wardrobe just put your clothes in the hamper once your done okay."

I felt him run his thumb over my cheek and I felt my eyes close of their own accord, I..I wanted him to kiss me again but he moved away and the sound of the shower filled the room. I sighed as I opened my eyes and moved back into the wardrobe finding the clothes Antonio had brought for me, well the clothes one of his friends had got me. I bit my bottom lip after grabbing some of my clothes before I turned to grab one of his shirts to go with my sweats; I.. I like wearing his shirts.

They are really comfy and his scent is very calming, it's kind of like he's giving me an invisible hug, like a constant safety blanket even when he's not around.

Once I was dressed I placed my other blood soaked clothes in the hamper and sat on the bed. It was still strange sitting and lying on a bed but I'm getting used to it. I sighed and started to fiddled with the pendant as my mind began to wonder. Had I upset him by kissing him? Did I over step my kissing him? Am I allowed to kiss him? He's there are no Masters, he's not my Master he's my mate. But maybe he regrets kissing me back, maybe I still shouldn't have kissed him. I over stepped, I shouldn't have done that I..I need to apologise for over stepping. I should have asked.

I could hear him talking to someone as he left the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. He didn't even look in my direction, he just walked straight to the wardrobe yelling at whoever he was talking to.

I still felt nervous whenever he yelled. I know he'd never hurt me, I trust him enough to know that he would never hurt me but I can't help but flinch when he raises his voice.

"Just get it done!"

Get what done? Am I in trouble? Is he going to get rid of me because I kissed him or is it because I'm too much? People are after me, what if those people told Red Master I'm here? What if he hurts Antonio? I..I don't want to leave, I need to apologise now.

Antonio moved passed me and I quickly grabbed his arm. He turned to look at me and his face softened slightly.

"I'm s..sorry I..I kissed you M..Antonio. I..I won't do it again."

I quickly let go of his arm and looked down at the ground again. I don't know who I am anymore, I don't understand this world Antonio and Alec are trying to show me. I felt Antonio cup my face again bring my head up to look at him but I just closed my eyes, it was just a kiss but was it? Is it more then just a kiss to us?

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