Chapter Ten: Killing Spree

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Antonio's POV:
It took awhile for Xadrian to settle down and go to sleep after his bath. I decided it would just be quicker if I just washed his hair over the sink and then left him to bathe himself in the soapy water. Before I left I place one of my shirts and a pair of boxers next to his towel by the sink. It was unsettling that he didn't quite understand what was going on, much less remember what a warm bath felt like. He told me they used to spray them all down with a freezing cold hose and that was it.

I waited for him on my bed for awhile and just as I was about to go in and check on him he came out, his hair dripping wet and the shirt falling off his shoulder.

"Come here Piccolo."

I watched as his eyes wondered over to the rug before he timidly made his way over to me. I rose from the bed and pulled open the covers before I turned my gaze back to him. He was fiddling with his hands as he looked at the ground making me sigh.

"Piccolo, remember what I said you are not a mutt. Now come and lie down it's time to go to sleep."

He was still hesitant as he climbed onto the bed and it didn't escape my notice as he flinched the second I moved the covers over him. I felt his eyes on me as I moved away from the bed, I stole a glance at him and as I turned to the door I felt him tug on my sleeve.

"M..Master yo..are you leaving?"

I could here the tremor in his voice before he let go of my sleeve. I slowly turned and sat back down beside him. He started shaking as I gently reached out to hold his hand.

"Piccolo look at me, I promised you I would never hurt you remember. I'm not going to leave Pup."

I felt his fingers draw patterns along my palm before he looked up at me. I could see the confliction in his eyes, the bond and presumably is wolf was telling him to trust me but the rules those bastards drilled into his head were still nagging away at him. He still thinks I'm one of them; I need to address this whole Master thing when I get back. He can't keep calling me Master not only is it irritating and fueling my anger it isn't going to help me gain his trust.

He slowly drew is hand from mine and curled up into a ball under the covers closing his eyes. I could feel Alexandro nagging away at me, reminding me that Xadrian is our mate and we should do more to comfort him, to show him we care about him but that's not who I am. I don't do affection or..or love; I protect and I avenge.

I allowed my rage to seep into my veins, to remove an trace of Alexandro from my mind as I made my way downstairs to the kitchen where the guys were waiting for me.

"You boys ready for our hunt?"

Their smirks mirrored my own and I could practically see them itching in their seats to go. I guess I'm not the only one who's dying for a bit of action. I could feel Caden bouncing around like a playful pup in my head, his eagerness to go on our little killing spree matched my own only increase my need to destroy every slave house near and around my town. The rest will just have to wait their turn by their time will come and then the auction houses are next.

"Shall we."

I felt my eyes turn orange and my claws extended before I allowed to my bones to break and reform. A wolf grin split across my face as I sprinted out the door to my first target the guys on my heals. I swear I was more animal then I was man; hell I don't even think I was even an animal when I reached the first house if you could even call it that. I don't know what I am anymore all I know is I want blood and the guards at the door will feel my wrath.

I crashed into the first guard using his body to kick off as I latched onto the second guards shoulder. My jaws looked around the man's throat, my claws buried deep into his shoulder to steady me as I ripped his throat open he didn't even have time to scream but I still had the other guard. I dislodged my claws from the lifeless corpse ripping the head clean off before I span round the head still wedged between my jaws. The guard's eyes widened and he tried to run from me, didn't he know a chase is the best part of hunting.

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