Chapter Three: A Burden

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Kayson's POV:
"Kase? Kase buddy can you come out here for a minute?"

I curled into myself further, turning so I was facing away from the door. I'm tired, I just want to stay here and sleep. Why won't they just leave me alone.

"Kase? Kayson Hawkins open this door and come and eat something right now!"

Good cop bad cop routing again. I guess you really can't teach an old wolf new tricks and now she's knocking on the damn door. Someone people really can't take a hint. My silence is not an invitation to continue to bother me. A closed door is not just a closed door it means leave me alone.

"Eva! Go down stairs and cool off. Go."

I heard Eva grumble as she stormed off down the stairs, I don't know why she's so pissed off. It's not the first time since I started living here that I have chosen to stay in my room and it won't be the last.

"Kase, it's just me bud. Can I come in please. I just want to make sure your okay, you've been in here for awhile now."

Yeah awhile.

I don't know why they're knocking and shouting through the door it's not like I've locked it, I don't even have a lock.

"I'm coming in Kase."

I watched as Antonio walked away from me and out the room as if we hadn't just kissed, like what we both know was about to happen didn't happen.

I wanted...I don't even know what I wanted.

"Hey. I know you said your not hungry but I've brought you something just incase you changed your mind. Kase; will you please explain to me what happened in the Alpha's office."

Why does he still ask about that? It was two years ago and he still asks what happened but I'll always give him the same answer.

"My name is Antonio. You want me to stop; I'll stop. ... My father is dead Kayson. He's dead and so is the man you knew. You don't know me and you never will. Make sure your gone when I get back."

What happened; the person I love most in this world hurt me.

"I told you Car, I tell you every time you ask nothing happened Ale.. Antonio and I just talked and then he told me to leave end of story. Nothing more happened okay."

Nothing happened.

"Kayson where are you going he told us to leave? He just needs to cool off so he can grief properly. Come on he'll be okay."

I can't just leave him. I just can't bring myself to leave him by himself. He...I love him. I love him and not just because he's my mate but because I've always had feelings for him.

"I can't just leave him Liv. He needs someone to be there for him."

I need to be there for him. I need to be close to him, to comfort him so he knows he's not alone. I went to head back up the stairs when Liv reached out and grabbed my arm.

"Kase be careful, he's not in the right mindset and he might say or do something he might regret."

I just nodded and jogged up the stairs. He's my mate he'd never hurt me. I spotted him heading back into his father's office and I quickly ran after him. I gently reached out for his arm and he growled shoving me against the door.


His eyes were a dark midnight blue instead of his aqua sky blue eyes making a shiver run up my skin.

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