Chapter Twenty-Three: Have No Right

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Antonio's POV:
My fight with Kayson had been pressing on my mind for the last few weeks. I didn't mean to fight with him, I don't want that to be what we have become. Xadrian helped to make me feel better but I can't keep pushing off my talk with Kayson.

"Okay Piccolo, I know things have got a bit hectic around here so how about we go the library for your lesson and then..."

A frown slipped onto my lips as the sound of muffled voices caught my attention. As we made our way further down the corridor the voices grew louder until the sight before me stopped me dead in my tracks and had Xadrian shaking as he moved behind me. There in the living room were Carlos and Olivia screaming in each others faces.

"What the fuck is going on in here?!"

Neither Carlos or Olivia took any notice of our presence or my words so I swiftly turned to Xadrian placing my hands gently against his face drawing his attention so it was solely on me and not the two scream children behind us.

"Piccolo it's okay your safe. Why don't you go ahead and I'll meet you in the library okay, you can recap on the last chapter whilst you wait for me if you wish. Go on."

I placed a tender kiss to his forehead before I watched him leave. Once I was sure he was out of ear shot I allowed my anger to flood my veins as I strode over getting in between us them.

"Enough! I asked you both a fucking question do I need to repeat myself?! Calm the fuck down now and tell me what this is about."

I looked from Carlos to Olivia, my patience is running thin.

"Well one of you start fucking talking! Carlos explain right fucking now you now better then this! Liv?! One of you open your fucking mouths right now!"

Carlos was glared straight at Liv until his eyes met mine and he looked down at the floor. Liv just looked bored with the whole situation making me growl. One of them better start telling me what this was all about but something in the air caught my attention

"You have no right to love him Antonio! You broke him and now all seems to be forgiven what the actual fuck!"

I turned my back to Carlos and glared straight at Liv. Of course this is about Kayson, why can't she get it he's mine. She is on thin fucking ice and yet she continues to stomp her feet like a child who can't get there own way.

"Let me make this fucking clear Olivia. Kayson is mine and I have every right to love him. You need to let go of your stupid crush on him because he's my mate not yours. If you upset him like that again or I catch you having a screaming match with anyone under this roof I'll throw you out I've told you all that Xadrian doesn't like it when people are yelling and what do I find you doing. Go for a run and cool off now, come back when you have a clearer head."

I should throw her ass out right now she's crossing the line again and again and if she wasn't blood. Hell I've killed pack members for this type of disrespect and yet she's still stood in front of me pushing me like I won't do the same.

"What about Carlos he was yelling too?! I should have known you'd only yell at me it's never him Mr perfect! Alec would never talk to me like this!"

I slammed her against the wall her face pressed against it as my hands held hers firmly behind her back.

"Alec isn't here your stuck here with me and I'm not talking to Carlos am I?! You upset Kayson not Carlos and I will deal with Carlos next but right now the real problem it seems is you now go and cool off. Now!"

I released my hold on her and stepped away walking towards the mini bar. I listened as she stormed away before I sighed and grabbed two tumblers.

"Non ho alcun diritto, che cazzo farò con lei."

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