Chapter 18

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!TW! Fire, death? (You won't know until the end..)!

A cardboard box from when Tubbo was young. A cardboard box that marked the end of his childhood with Schlatt, and the beginning of a family with Phil, Wilbur, Techno and Tommy. But everything was turned around against him. Techno's out the picture somewhere, Wilbur is dead, Phil's turned against him, and Schlatt is his hope again. The only thing that didn't change in Tubbo's life, Tommy. Tommy continued to be his best friend, his one and only. And Tubbo fucked that up when exiling him.

As Tubbo's head came back into reality, he was in the corner of the cell, his head resting on his knees that were pulled up to him face. Schlatt sat close to him trying to calm him. Tubbo's eyes flooded with tears without realizing, and from that he broke down, loud sobs continued to escape him as he tried to catch his breath through the sobs. "Tubbo, breath buddy." Tubbo continued to huff.

"Tubbo, lift your head and look at me." Tubbo hesitated but continued to do so, upon Schlatt seeing his face, his face was completely red, eyes puffy, nose runny, and continuous huffs fell from his voice. "Breath." Schlatt forced Tubbo to make eye contact, to which his breathing slowed from quick and sharp huffs, to calm, deep breaths. "Th..Thank you." Tubbo spoke through slight sniffles. Schlatt nodded,  then stood up and walked a few feet away, before sitting down again. Tubbo's chin resting on his knees as he spoke, "Do you think we'll ever get out..?" Tubbo spoke in a dazed, tired manner, his eyes completely dissociated while looking in a different direction from where Schlatt was. 

"I'll be sure we do." Schlatt spoke, but to no response, Tubbo just tucked his head back into his legs, tired.

Days passed of the same general thing, though some days were less crying and more talking, they got closer than they already were, and they were so much more scared to lose each other. Phil would come in and out of the lab, to which Tubbo didn't care, but would sometimes yell at Phil to ask him if Tommy was okay, but alas, there was never a response. 

One day Phil came into the lab, and he walked over to the cell, and unlocked it. Tubbo woke up confused, "" 

"Tubbo stand." Phil spoke, Schlatt immediately alerted hearing Phil. Tubbo stood up and Schlatt got closed to the cell door. "Schlatt stand back, I only need Tubbo." 

"You take one of us you take the others happiness, take us both." 

"This would take your happiness regardless." A sickening smile grew on Phil's face, Tubbo lazily walked to the door, being tugged out by his shirt, Phil felt he was taking to long. As the door shut on Schlatt, Schlatt felt immediate panic.

"Wait Phil bring your ass back here bitch!" But Phil carried on walking, while Tubbo walked besides him, but Tubbo looked back before leaving the building, and his face was full of fear. As Tubbo walked outside with Phil, Dream was standing next to a cage in the air, where Tommy was being held. "Tommy?" Tommy fixed himself from resting his back against the cage to facing Tubbo. "Tubbo!" Phil continued to walk Tubbo to a tree, the L'Mantree. Several feet away from Tommy, but close enough for Tommy to hear, and see Tubbo. "Stand back against the tree, and your arms wrapping around it." Tubbo thought for a minute before doing so, and he realized. "They're going to put me in flames."  

", no. I.. I won't. I won't!" Tubbo's heart racing, he started to run, he ran in the opposite direction, and didn't stop. As Tubbo kept running, he forgot one thing, Dream has ender pearls. Dream pearled in front of  Tubbo, and Tubbo had to stop, he fell down trying to stop himself, so Dream picked him up and carried him back to Phil. Dream held Tubbo to the tree as Phil tied the rope around Tubbo's wrists to keep him there. "HELP!" Tubbo continuously yelled, Schlatt from inside the building a few yards away, heard Tubbo's cries for help, which sent him into a question of how to get out, and help Tubbo. 

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