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(picture not mine)

Run . . . Run . . . Run . . .

That voice again!

I spin around, wide eyes searching for the source in this desperate situation of mine. With shaking hands, I grip the tall, rough pine tree in front of me, staring out into the dense, snowy forest. The white snow beneath me feels cold, falling over my bare feet. My breath comes out in trembling clouds of air. My clothes are ripped again; my frail pink sweatshirt and those jeans. The long, deadly scar on my leg is clearly visible.

It took a moment at first, when I opened my eyes, to realize where I was. I never would've dreamed of being stranded in the forest again. But I know exactly where I am now.

I was swept with a wave of icy terror before scrambling to my feet and obeying the little voice in my head. This was the place where he left me to die. To starve. To suffer. I had, just as he wanted me to, before coming to my timely end. I never would've lasted long anyways. The cabin is nowhere to be seen. I can feel thousands of eyes watching me.

Run . . .

Wildly, I look around, my breath catching in my cold, parched throat. Shaking, I peek around the tree, my eyes landing on a pitch black figure with horns and that horrifyingly familiar face.

Quickly, I snap my head back, pressing my forehead against the trees.

"Please", I murmur scratchily, my voice choked with fear and hopelessness. "Please l-let this be j-just another nightmare . . ."

Ssssssscccraape . . .

My whole body stiffens at the sound of metal against metal. Gasping for breath, I force myself to be as silent as possible. I can feel my heart in my throat.


A huge chunk of the thin pine tree is torn off, right next to my ear. Like a startled deer I immediately back away and run, my thoughts useless, scrambled, and panicked. I can't breathe. The hairs on the back of my neck rise as I dart through the snow. I'm too cold to feel the snow biting at my feet.

Screaming sounds from behind me. Like a wild animal, groaning, communicating, with it's fellow hunters.

And I'm the prey.

The tears that cascade down my face freeze onto my paling skin. The heart-stopping sound of creatures racing after me fills me with terror as I run through the dense forest, ignoring the pain in my body, ignoring my lungs, screaming for air.


I do. There's nothing in me that could shy away from that voice.

In front of me is a large, stone boulder, impossible to move, impossible to get around. Walls close in on either side of me. The snow falls steadily. Silence fills the empty air.

I'm trapped.

My breathing shallows. I can hear the monsters creeping up on me, taking their precious time, closing in on their victim. I don't turn around; I just stand there, shivering, crying dryly. I saw them. I wasn't supposed to see them. Now I'm going to die. Tears fail me. I have none left to use. I'm just so cold, so scared, so ready to end it all.

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