Dad Jokes?!

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 "Charlie, you didn't tell me you had a huge ass kitchen RIGHT HERE."

"Maybe she was waiting to surprise one of her first patients", Alastor hints as we enter the large, fancy kitchen with cedar brown cabinets. It has everything; a black stove and microwave, a refrigerator, drawers for silverware and tupperware. There's a large, rectangular counter situated in the middle and a sink, with gently glowing lights hanging from the ceiling over it. (Layout looks like picture. Not the color though!)

I let out a sigh, running my hand over the tile surfaces. "It's just... so big."

"I'm sure we have a pantry somewhere in here", the demon ponders, tapping his chin. I glance at him, biting my lip as he walks past me, heading to a door in the corner. Swinging it open, he walks inside. "Aha! Yes, darling, we do. So. What shall we be cooking?"

I tilt my head to one side. "You're telling me you like to cook?"

"Why of course!" Alastor replies cheerfully, his voice sounding far away. I don't bother to enter the pantry; it's probably too small to fit both of us. "My mother used to bake all the time, and I was delighted to help her every time. We made the most delicious pastries and pies, I think you would've loved it."

"Your... mother?" I question curiously, leaning against the tile table, resting my chin on my hand. "I never knew you were one for baking. I thought girls usually do that."

Alastor peeks from around the pantry door, his expression akin to playful accusation. "Excuse me? Says who?"

"Says modern times", I mumble lazily, tapping a tune on the surface of the counter.

The Radio Demon laughs, vanishing again. I can hear him rummaging through packages and baskets of who knows what. Charlie, why didn't you tell me? I've been starved for months, and when I came here I thought only Elraz had cooking skills. "That's actually a picture show, (Y/N)! It's one of my favorites."

Picture show? That's a new one.

"Oh. Right, I've heard of that one. But... your mother. She must've been a very sweet lady", I comment, trying to change subject. I haven't seen a movie in forever.

I hear a hum of agreement from my companion. "One of the best out there. Now. About cooking... We could bake more than one thing... what do you think about an apple pie, my dear? I believe Charlie has supplied all the ingredients."

That answer was short... Oh well... I shouldn't pry.

"Sounds awesome."

"Splendid!" Alastor remarks cheerfully, exiting the pantry with his arms full of ingredients for the pie. Why not just use his magic..? "I got all I could carry, but I couldn't support the sugar container. Do you think you could fetch it for me?"

I nod, walking around the tile counter, glancing at the things in Alastor's arms before heading to the pantry. As I suspected, it's full of edible things, like cans of tuna, or cracker boxes and goldfish. Pretty much like an average pantry, if you ask me.. Casting my gaze around, ignoring the shuffling from Alastor as he hums a random tune, clearly enjoying himself. I instantly spot a large, white, glass container marked 'SUGAR'. Grinning, I stand on tip-toes, reaching up.

My hands curl around the smooth walls, bringing it down towards me.

At that moment, a flash of pain burns my left wrist as it struggles to support the weight of the heavy sugar jug. I hiss in pain, letting go immediately.

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