Completely Utterly... Screwed?

347 14 3

  The Radio Demon!

The one I met near the Radio Hack and Elraz told me he was super evil crazy, and insane and ohmyfuckhe'sstaring at me!

I can't move, I can't look away, all I can do is stare like a deer in headlights at the figure standing not three feet from me, his hands folded neatly behind his back. My throat runs completely dry as the tales Elraz told me flick through my brain. "U-Uh.."

The Radio Demon hums suddenly, and I give such a shocked, scared jump that the clipboard slips off my chest, clattering noisily to the floor. My eyes constrict. I can feel my heart thumping a mile a minute. I'm dead.

I'm soooooo fucking dead.

"Alastor! Stop harassing our guest and leave her alone!"

Said 'Alastor' and I both turn to face the person who spoke. Vaggie glares at the Radio Demon, both hands on her hips. She widens her eyes to indicate that she means what she says.

The gentleman standing in front of me smiles even more widely. "Oh Vaggie, that would be so terribly rude! Why would I ignore a newcomer? I am a gentleman! And, being the gentleman I am..." He ads, his voice lowering slightly. Spinning back around, he bends over, keeping one hand behind his back. The other slides out from it's original position, it's finger hooking delicately around the clipboard on the ground. Straightening, he thrusts the clipboard to me. "Here you go, darling. I believe this is yours.."

I press my mouth together, completely stumped. His voice sounds slightly static, like it's coming through a radio, hence his nickname. Glancing behind Alastor, I catch sight of Elraz, who's staring at the Radio Demon with such hate and dislike, that it almost calms me down from how normal that face looks on him.


Alastor continues to stare at me with half-lidded, patient eyes, still smiling. The clipboard is still presented to me in an unwavering hand.

Swallowing, I reach out with one hand, trying hard to keep it steady. But of course, I fail.

"Thanks", I mumble weakly, taking the clipboard and quickly bringing it to my chest. My fingertips brush his while doing so, and a shiver runs down my spine. Feeling very intimidated, I press myself into the couch, unable to look away from him for fear he might do something.

Impossibly, his grin widens, and he sticks his hand back in it's original position behind his back. "You are very welcome, my dear. Now, what is it that you-"


Vaggie, clearly done with the man's act, stomps over, thrusting herself in between Alastor and I. She glares daggers at him, her lip curled into a snarl. I can barely see Alastor now from Vaggie's long, white hair. "What did I tell you?! Get away from her!"

"Ah, well, you see, if I do that, then my question won't be answered", Alastor replies slyly.

"You weren't able to finish it, so back off!" Vaggie persists, refusing to give up and let him anywhere near me. I stare with wide eyes. We've only just met.. and yet she seems very protective.

Maybe she just doesn't want to see anyone get hurt.

Well. Anyone besides the Radio Demon.

Clearly, Alastor is thinking along the same lines. Though he looks perfectly capable of defeating Vaggie with his hands tied behind his back. I wait, fearing the worst.

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