Bad Vibes And Good Vibes

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(DUDES, HELLO AGAIN, I COME WITH A LONG CHAPTER, YOUR WELCOME XD (another 500+ follower special). THIS LITTLE-- *fuck, use fucking lower case you idiot* RIGHT, so, this little A/N is to the art shown! The BEAUTIFUL artpiece was made by the even more beautiful and amazing--- ok the link doesn't work, I'm sorry, but the art is not mine!! Thank you AGAIN!!

And now, we delve into this chapter. Good luck, the vibes are real.)


 "He seriously didn't threaten to boil your insides along with that spaghetti?" Charlie pesters me once again as we head back to the hotel. Both her and Vaggie had gone out on some unknown errand. I had just caught sight of them near the hotel, browsing. Luckily, they hadn't had dinner yet. Nor had the rest of the gang, it seems.

I cast the princess of Hell a reassuring smile. "No! Do I look like that to you?" He almost did...

"Ah- no, I'm sorry", she laughs nervously. Vaggie glances at me and raises an eyebrow. But even she looks at ease. Or relieved.

Upon entering the hotel, she finally decides to speak her thoughts. "(Y/N), you must be really different if the Radio Demon himself offered to make dinner for everyone with you. Honestly? Don't be surprised if he decides to be an asshole, snuff it, and snap your neck when everyone has their back turned." She rolls her eyes, frowning. "It's his thing. Or hobby. Or whatever the hell you wanna call it."

Yes, she and Alastor definitely have a negative thing going on.

"WELL", I retort, folding my arms across my chest. Charlie grimaces at her girlfriend's comment. "I am certainly not going to let that happen, thank you very much. You're going to spoil my appetite."

Vaggie smiles lazily, while Charlie tilts her head, looking concerned. "You sure you prepared enough for everyone?" She asks anxiously.

"Yeah. If we didn't, it would be survival of the fittest... " I laugh as I enter the kitchen with the two female demons. Charlie continues to mutter to herself about cooking up something else to ad to dinner, but I shush her, grinning. Husk and Nifty have already served themselves a plate of spaghetti. Alastor and Angel Dust are absent from my train of sight. I catch Husk glancing at the pie, his mouth watering slightly.

Turning to the girls, I put my hands on my hips. "Well, ladies, bon appetite!"

Vaggie snorts. "Could say that with a little more grand feeling. But thanks. C'mon, Charlie, better not make (Y/N) mad if we refuse to eat."

As they head off to get plates, I suddenly feel someone staring at me. I turn to Nifty, who's sitting next to Husk by the counter, a plate of spaghetti in front of her. Her one large, sadistic eye, blinks once at me. Husk avoids my gaze, grumpily chewing his dinner.

Ah, no, I did something wrong, didn't I?

Who would dare make such a chipper demon frown... Me, I guess.

"I could've helped", Nifty mumbles as I rest my elbows on the counter-top. With a fork in her small, slender fingers, she twirls the food absently.

Frowning, I tilt my head. "True... sorry about that! If you want, you could help Al and I whenever we make something for everyone. We could get it done fas-"

"Ohmygosh, really?!" Nifty bursts suddenly, dropping the fork as her hands slap against the table. She seems to brighten immediately at this. "You'll do that? Wow that sounds perfect! Thank you so much! When's the next time you're gonna make something? I could totally help with that!"

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