Close Shave

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  Just as I'm about to say something to Elraz Katie from the TV show speaks up, looking thoroughly thrilled as a cruel smile twists her dainty features. "What in the nine circles makes you think a single resident of Hell would give two shits about becoming a better person-" She flexes her fingers, simply delighted to see Charlie suffering from humiliation from something I don't know.

A frown tilts my lips south. I care. And I'm definitely a resident of Hell, no matter how much I'm starting to hate it.

"You have no proof that this little experiment even works!" Katie continues, waving her hands around wildly. Charlie gives her a glance, her expression mimicking my own. "You want people to be good, just because?"

Her, and the camera crew behind the camera burst into another bout of laughter that I had apparently missed. The demons surrounding Elraz and I snicker in cruel amusement.

"She thinks-- haha!" A large, buff looking demon snorts. "Oh, she's nuts."

With that, he stalks off, a few other she-demons following him. Probably his personal sluts...

Charlie raises her head, looking defensive. "Well, we have a patron already, who believes in our cause a-and he's shown incredible progress!" She strikes a pose, similar to Rosie the Riveter poster back in the 1900's. I cross my arms over my chest, shuffling from one foot to the other, casting Elraz a glance.

He catches my eye and looks away quickly, grumbling under his breath.

Maybe he's a little bothered by all the negativity Charlie is getting.

"Oh?" Katie Killjoy smirks wickedly, her red eyes wide with fake interest, clearly mocking the princess of Hell. "And who might that be?"

Charlie, taking her time, examines her nails, talking casually. "Oh, just someone named.. Angel Dust", she finishes proudly, throwing this comment in Katie's face like a promotion. Who's Angel Dust..?

My question is answered as Tom Trench leans forward. "The porn star?"

"You fucking would, Tom", Katie hisses dangerously, her red-tipped claws scratching the table as she turns her head to stare creepily at him. A warning, perhaps. Her expression is literally screaming; say one more fucking thing and I roast you on a stick.

As their conversation continues, I find myself getting distracted yet again by the demons surrounding us. Wow.

That guy looks like he could use a tan.

And that girl needs to cover herself in something other than RED.

A thought crosses my mind as I zone out. A lot of things here are red. But what did I expect? It's Hell, it's gotta have a lot of red in it.

My eyes slowly travel around the demons before landing on something even weirder than a skeleton on fire. For some reason, it looks like two long legs covered in striped pants. Don't tell me this is a demon. No. Just legs?! The thing feels like it's staring at me suddenly, as if only just realizing I'm here. I can feel it's gaze burning curiously into my forehead. After a moment, I decide to give into my curiosity and let my gaze travel up, following the legs until they reach a-

I blink once.

And then again.

It's a body. A slender, male body with a red suit with a slightly torn tail piece at the end, broad shoulders that stick out from excessive shoulder pads, and two skinny, long sleeved arms with slightly lighter red cuffs at the end, one holding a microphone on a stick with long, gloved hands, though they look real. The tips are red, like blood, or just design. A black tie connects the suit together, finishing the smart outfit to make the demon look like a proper gentleman. And with a body , arms and legs, there must be a head, right?

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