Too Soon For That Shit

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  We're back at square one. The hotel never looked so welcoming and peaceful. Earlier, in the music store, a demon had tried to harass me, which resulted in Alastor almost taking out his 'annoyance' for me on them. It was all I could to to try and get Alastor to spare the demon's life. He really looked terrifying. But I ended up picking a (F/C) music player. Choosing the music was easy.

"I never said thank you, did I", I deadpan jokingly as we enter the Happy Hotel. Or Hazbin. Whatever.

Alastor raised both eyebrows, closing the door behind us. "That is true, my dear, but your silence told me nonetheless. I wouldn't bother thanking me, it was my pleasure. You looked like you needed those things."

"Huh. Thanks anyways, Al."

As he walks up to me, a sly grin suddenly lit his face. Ok, wait, he's always grinning, but it changed when I spoke. He's amused. "Using nicknames, are we? Oh dear, I had no idea you were that comfortable around me, (Y/N). I'm so very honored."

I snap my mouth shut. Nicknames? Wha... It just slipped out. "Ah- sorry. I wasn't thinking. Probably too soon for that shit."

"Don't be sorry, darling!" Alastor exclaims, looking faintly surprised. Probably because I apologize more often than not, and I've been doing it a lot lately. "It's quite alright, I don't mind."

Laughing nervously, I pass a sleeping Husk- probably passed out from drinking- and turn around to face the Radio Demon. We're alone again, in a hotel, which should be flooding with patients. I adjust the bags in my hands, offering Alastor a smile. "Alright. But thank you. Really. This means a lot to me. Definitely won't take advantage of it in the future."

He tilts his head to one side, his brilliant, haunting red eyes trained on my body. I wonder why, they seem to say.

Oh. The curiosity is back.

Maybe one day, Alastor. But for now, just let me be grateful you didn't kill me today.

"Oh, but I wouldn't mind it either way", Alastor brushes the comment aside, grinning with all his yellow teeth. They're incredibly sharp. "I'm just happy enjoying your company. Even when you don't let things go my way."

My grin becomes mischievous. "Doesn't it always go your way?"

"I suppose..."

"Then you wouldn't mind a change of pace", I snort, acting quite sinister. Alastor chuckles, glancing at Husk asleep on the bar. I follow his gaze, rolling my eyes. "You're going to wake him up, aren't you", I deadpan, feeling amused. Poor Husk.

Alastor narrows his eyes happily. "Why not? It's the perfect moment."

"Huh. But can I wake him up, please? I have the best idea ever", I ask determinedly, meeting his eyes. "Trust me, you won't regret giving me this honor."

After a moment, the Radio Demon playfully shrugs, giving in. "Oh, alright. Permission granted."

Inwardly thinking, YES!, I fish throughout my bags, pulling out my phone. A new one, the one Alastor forced me to let him buy. It was one of the best looking ones in the store. Dropping the bags on a couch nearby, I scroll through the voice recordings, smiling all the while under Alastor's curious gaze. Finally, I find the right recording and my smile widens. Giving Alastor a wink, I head over to the sleeping Husk and position myself under the counter.

With that, I press 'play' on the recording. There's a few seconds silence where Alastor stares at me, confused. Though he still maintains an amused smile.

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