Sneak Peak

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    Sometimes I feel like karma absolutely adores messing with me, and it's only hilarious to everyone else. I feel very under-dressed next to the tall and properly clothed Alastor, and it's viciously cold outside. We're walking down the sidewalk, a long distance from Hazbin Hotel. I'm still in my pajamas, even if I'm wearing a bra. Though I wish I had changed into something more fitting to the outdoors. Oh well. I guess it's better than the sequins and other clothes my fellow females wear.

I slip my phone out of the large pocket of my pants. 5:34. "Ya think we should be back before it hits eight or something?" I wonder aloud.

Alastor glances at me, grinning. "Are you thinking about Nifty?"

"Ha, read my mind. Gold star, Mr. Strawberry Pimp. My pajama pants salute you", I joke, returning his smile happily. I bought these pants on accident, but I wouldn't be surprised if I had thought of Alastor upon buying them. "Have any ideas on what we should bake with her?"

He hums thoughtfully as we pass a group of demons. They narrow their eyes at us, casting me hateful, superior glares, lacking any concern for my safety with the Radio Demon beside me. They're too scared of Alastor to even look at him. "Honestly, you're the one who usually comes up with things to do, so, naturally, I thought the gift would stay with you in the art of baking. But to answer your question . . . I could think of one thing, and you another. I'll think of something later."

"Got it", I murmur, accepting this. Another demon passes us; a female with particularly long, red claws and blue fins under her elbows. I salute to her, and she curls her lip in confusion.

"The fuck?" She mutters as she heads off.

I grin, shrugging carelessly at her as I turn back to follow my own path. I might've made an enemy but I'll probably never see her again. That's what I like to do sometimes. When I had a car to drive in, sometimes I'd look out the window to a passing driver and wave- or do something classified as concerning. I always thought it made their day a bit more interesting.

Alastor chuckles, eyeing the demon as she hurries away. "I believe she will be scarred for days."

"Hopefully the rest of her life", I snort, smiling proudly at myself. "I like to leave an impact. Too bad she won't be there for the awesome breakfast we're gonna make. I've already got something in mind", I ad, casting Alastor a wink. "And it involves pineapples and pancake batter. You . . . you think Charlie already has that stuff at the hotel?"

He shrugs grandly, eyes half-lidded. We turn a corner, refusing to cross the street; it's flooded with angry cars. Guess I was wrong. There are people up. "I'm not sure, my dear. I wouldn't count on it. You should've seen her before I decided to offer my services."

"Oh no . . . what happened?"

He grins down at me. "I don't like to say this aloud, but she wasn't fully equipped for a lot of guests. Hardly even two. So that is why I helped her out!"

"What, you-you just said 'abracadabra' and poof! There's a kitchen. And another poof!" I ad, casting my hands out animatedly in front of me. "There's delicious food! Hmm. Charlie must really owe you. That's probably why she hasn't chucked you out because of your reputation. Otherwise, Vaggie woulda done it."

We continue walking, eventually coming up to a large playground surrounded by a short, black fence. A cute little gate lies swung open; the inside is empty. A breeze ruffles my hair slightly.

I haven't seen a playground since . . .

Since childhood.

Since my dad.

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