Cooking Up Conversations

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The sound of pots and pans snap me to consciousness. For a moment, I lay stunned in a seemingly permanent darkness, until I realize yet again that my eyes are closed.

Though I don't open them right away. First of all; I have no idea where the fuck I am.

Allowing my senses to inspect my surroundings, I find very interesting things. The air is warm and comfortable, though maybe it's because of the soft, fluffy, heavy material slung over my body, tangled within my legs. An effective trap, though probably self-caused. My nose is filled with the sweet, tempting aroma of food. Breakfast, to be exact. But who's cooking?

And then my brain begins to wake up, flooding my mind with memories. Oh. Right.




I cringe slightly at this thought. Pushing it aside, I flick my eyes open, feeling extremely groggy and under-slept. Actually... that's not wrong.

My stomach gives a low growl as I sit up on the grey couch, flinging the blanket off of my body, instantly feeling the cool rush of air. Planting my feet on the red, celtic designed rug, I push my body off the couch, raising my fingertips to the ceiling in a long, satisfying stretch. That food smells heavenly.. when's the last time I had a proper meal anyways?!

Giving into my stomach completely, I reach down for the blanket and swing it around my shoulders like a giant, fluffy cape. After this, I shuffle into the kitchen. My hands are still grey, I noticed.

In the kitchen, I find a surprising sight.

Elraz. Cooking.

"Uh..." I clear my throat, notifying him of my presence. "Morning.."

He flicks his long, cat-like ears, glancing at me with four, yellow eyes. Tired, from the looks of it. Or maybe he's not a morning person. "Morning", he gruffs, turning back to the stove. Taking a seat on one of the oak, cushioned chairs surrounding the round table, I watch him flip over four pieces of french toast. His movements are slow as he does this. In another pan lies something that smells similar to hash browns. My suspicions are confirmed as he shuffles sideways to flip the food.

My stomach gives a loud, coincidental groan.

"Hungry much?" Elraz snorts, glancing at my slouched form again. I nod, feeling no shame for my stomach area. I'm practically starved. I've been practically starved for months.

Swallowing as my mouth starts to water, I try to make conversation, staring at the wooden table in front of me. "So... did you have a dream last night?"

The demon flips the hash browns again before giving me a quizzical gaze. "The fuck?"

"I mean", I let my eyes dart around the kitchen. "Sorry, just trying to make things less awkward... But did you or did you not have a dream last night?"

Elraz raises an eyebrow before turning off the stove, walking over to some cupboards. He flings them open, taking out two plates. "Yeah, I had a dream. But why the fuck would you care? It's not like you'd want to know the dreams of a demon in Hell... or would ya? Are you that much of a pervert?"

"No, like I said, I was just tryna-"

"Start a conversation, I know", the demon interrupts, sliding the french toast and hash browns onto the two plates. "But trust me, girly. You don't want to know a lot of things down here."

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