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Alastor is clearly thinking the same thing. He stares with wide red eyes at the large metal spike, blinking a few times before his gaze shifts to me. The hand that he had thrust out falls limply to his side and he stands up, heading over to me.

"(Y/N)", he says intently, regarding me carefully.

I don't respond. I sit there on the ground, gazing at the mess a few feet before me with wide eyes. My chest rises and falls quickly.

Alastor tries again, bending over. He reaches one hand out towards me. "(Y/N), are you alright?"

"You..." I swallow, shaking visibly. Slowly, I stand up, refusing to take his hand yet again. He's at least half a foot or so taller than me, so I have to look up at him. "Y-You pushed me out of the w-way.. d-didn't you?"

The Radio Demon glances at the wreckage once before locking eyes with me. "Well, of course! Why would I want to lose such an entertaining talker?"

I open my mouth, close it, open it, and close it again, unable to find any words. Though it's not because of what Alastor said. It's of what happened. I know that this is Elraz's doing, whether on purpose or not. Though he hasn't appeared yet. Well... why would he? Rubbing my throbbing shoulder gently, I let my expression harden into a cold, slight glare. He did that. He almost killed me. Maybe he intended to kill me.

He wouldn't hurt Alastor, no. He'd hurt me. But why??

There must be some sort of mistake..

A gentle hand rests on my shoulder and I snap back to my senses, staring at Alastor with wide, fearful eyes. I don't dare shrug off his hand.

He tips his head. "Are you alright, my dear?"

Why the fuck does he care? It takes a few moments before I can force a reply out of my mouth. "Y-Yeah. I'm fine. Thanks for saving my life back there", I state, trying to be casual but failing. Part of me longs to step away from him, but yet again, he saved my life. And if I do, he'd probably become more pissed off.

Why did he save my life??

"You are very welcome", he returns, smiling. Though it looks more psychotic and menacing, and the static in his voice increases slightly. "Now. Let's say we find out whoever make the mistake of dropping that spike and-"

"Ah- wait", I mumble, taking a step in front of him. Like a chain reaction my heart freezes, heats up, and starts to burn out of fear. The look in his eyes is terrifying, so all I can do is stare like a deer caught in headlines. Also about to get run over by a few spikes and harsh words, all while being skinned alive. The hairs on the back of my neck rise.

The spike could've killed him.

That's why he's so mad.

Not because it almost killed me, a stranger. Someone no one should care about.

Just from looking at him, I can tell it's true. Which is why I falter desperately, my defense for Elraz melting like butter in the sun. I long to lean up against something- it would provide more support than my legs, which feel like jelly and ready to collapse.

"U-Uh-" I swallow my words, quite literally. Forcing myself not to shudder, I avoid his eyes and instead stare at his bow tie again. "It's fine. No harm done."

Lost Realities | (Alastor x Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon