Easier Said Than Done

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  The elevator seems to be moving up a lot slower than usual. Karma must've caught up to me, again.

I bite my lip, shuffling from foot to foot. Alastor is positioned calmly to my left, staring straight ahead, probably watching the numbers go up. 1.... 2.... 3....

It's so uncomfortably quiet.

I'm well aware of my newfound fear of the demon next to me, and I unconsciously take a step away from him. Shit. He probably knows now.

My eyes land on the shopping bags in his hand and I instantly take action. Clearing my throat, I keep my eyes on either his bow-tie, or the bags. "Hey, uh... I-I can take those. I-If you don't mind, y'know, c-cause they're probably heavy and your arm is probably starting t-to ache."

Alastor turns his head and I find myself staring at his eyes, even when I told myself not to. He shows his yellow shark teeth in a brilliant smile. "My dear, I wonder, why are you always trying to stop a man from being a gentleman?"

"W-What?" I ask, dumbfounded.

He blinks a few times, slight amused. "The only way you ever seem to let me help you or be polite is if I constantly persist you about it until you decide to give in."

"I'm just not used to people offering to help", I explain hastily, feeling rather shy. I'm not really used to people in general. Before I entered Hell, I hadn't seen a living soul for months. Those disgusting, freaky creatures who hunted me don't count. "C-Can I just...?"

The demon hums, taking a moment to decide before shrugging. "You won't let me say no?"

"Y-Yes? I mean no! I mean..." Sighing in exasperation, I struggle with my anxiety. The elevator is almost to level 15. How big is this hotel? "I just... want to take the bags."

"If you insist", he murmurs, holding them out for me to take.

My features soften, and I reach out, taking the four bags, two for each arm. Though, when my left hand lifts the bags from his, a stab of pain emits from my wrist. A hiss of pain escapes me and I grit my teeth, instantly moving the two bags to my other hand. I can feel Alastor's gaze the entire time as I struggle with the newfound pain in my wrist, and the weight of all four bags on my right hand.

This hurts. It really, really hurts. I'm dead though, shouldn't I be immune to pain?

"Th-Thanks", I force out, my eyes blurring slightly with tears.

He hums, tilting his head in confusion. "Why would you thank me if I'm the one giving you the burden?"

"Cause you shouldn't have to carry them", I suggest simply, breathing through my nose. Trying to block out the pain, I give myself a shake. "Uh- hey, bad topic, but sorry for touching your ears earlier, Al. I sort of got... carried away." I got too comfortable with you. I began to trust you. I let my guard down.

So I'm sorry.

It won't happen again.

Alastor grimaces slightly, narrowing his eyes. "I agree, it is a bad topic."

"So..." I cast my gaze to the wall beside me, finding the situation really uncomfortable. "I-Is it ok? Can you forgive little ol' me?"

The demon lets out a laugh and I jump in surprise. He grins even wider. "I suppose, my dear. As you said, you got carried away." And with that, the elevator stops it's ascent upwards and the doors open. A small ding! sounds, indicating that this is our stop. Alastor heads out, his walking pattern smooth and precise. "Your room number is 184, yes?"

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