5 - Sad!

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Never once do you leave Harry's side. Even after visiting time, when every person in the house had gone home, you refused to leave.

It was so depressing. Everyone just sat or stood around, sighing every few seconds, waiting for something to happen that never did. You hold his hand the whole time.

After many sleepless nights, his eyes flutter. They open up wide, and they meet your, those kind, beautiful eyes.

"That was a fucking weird dream..."

"You're awake.." you feel the knot in your stomach loosen as relief floods you. You smile softly.

"what the hell happened?" He seemed confused

"You were hit by a car. You've been out a few days." You bite your lip.

"You've been here all that time?" He looks even more confused.

"Yeah" you say with a small smile and a blush.


"Because. I love you." You say. "Platonically, obviously." You add quickly, making it obvious that wasn't your original intention.

"Yeah... platonically..."

"I should, um- I should go home. I need to get to bed." You laugh nervously.

"oh, yeah, of course." Harry says. He smiles, but it's as monotonous as his voice.

As you leave, he watches you with a slightly sad look on the face.

I love you (REBOOTED) - COMPLETE Where stories live. Discover now