14 - Dress!

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NUMBER 3 ON THE DHMIS TAG???! Friends I love you! Thank you!
Enjoy the chapter, my little red guy simps!

A white dress. A long veil. A beautiful ring. Today is the day.

Walking up the aisle, looking over your friends' faces. They all look how you feel.

Overjoyed. Emotional. Beautiful.

Looking up at your fiancé's face, he smiles and takes your hand in his. His eyes glisten with emotion. He whispers, 'you look beautiful'. You think to yourself, so does he.

That ethereal image is suddenly interrupted by someone screaming. You open your eyes, and fuck it, you're in bed. Paige is in your room, screaming.

"I'm getting married today!" She dances around the room, trips and falls onto your bed. She laughs. "Oh my god!I'm getting married! To Tony! Y/N!"

"Paige... it's 6 am." You sigh, glancing at your clock.

"What? I meant to get up 2 hours ago! I need to get in the shower!"

Fine, as long as she stops bothering you. You hear the shower run. You settle down to sleep, hoping to return to that dream, but ten minutes later, Paige bursts through the door again, a towel wrapped around her hair.

"Okay, the hair and makeup people are coming in 3 hours. Get everyone to have a shower while I get outfits ready." She buzzes off into her bedroom. You sigh and go into the hallway.

"EVERYONE NEEDS A SHOWER." You yell. You then lock yourself in the bathroom, and start getting ready.

Tony, Harry, Robin, Shrignold, Steve and Larry aren't in the house because of the stag do. You don't know much of what happened, just that Shrignold had drunk-texted you about some woman's boobies. You realise there must have been a stripper there. You think of Harry and sigh.

Your party for Paige was more or less pathetic. First of all, there wasn't very many of you, and second of all, you just watched reruns of old sitcoms on the tele. It wasn't really a party in the end.

3 hours later, the hair and makeup people arrive. Your hair is transformed into elegant waves. You are given a full makeover. When you look in the mirror, your spirits are slightly risen, because holy shit you look beautiful.

Paige comes in the room, makeup half done. "Is everyone done?" She looks at you. "Oh, darling... I think I just became a bit gay. Do you want to take Tony's place?"

You laugh. "I would, but we'd be cutting it a bit fine in letting the news get back to him. Maybe some other time."

After that ordeal, it's time to go. You glance over at Paige, who's clutching her bouquet of asters both apprehensively and excitedly.

"Okay. Let's go get married!"

I love you (REBOOTED) - COMPLETE Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora