9 - Game!

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It's Saturday, and you know what that means! It's game night! Yep, it's stereotypical, but it's fun. Tonight you are playing truth or dare, only just SFW.    

"Okay, Robin, truth or dare?" Harry asks his bestie.


"Give me a massage!" Harry said, making you suspect he's maybe a bit fruity.

"Gladly." Robin smiles. Robin goes over and begins to rub his shoulders. Everyone starts laughing. Robin brings his fingers deeper into Harry's muscles. He moans in pleasure. "Is that good enough?"

"Mmm... no."

Everyone starts laughing more, not realising this is not an act, this is a present for fluffybird shippers.


"Yes." Harry grins.

"K. Manny! Truth or dare?"


"Okay. One moment." Robin goes out of the room, and reappears with a bottle of hot sauce and a spoon. He puts some sauce on the spoon. "Now eat it."

"Okay..." Manny puts the spoon in his mouth. His eyes begin to water. He swallows and coughs.

"Okay, somebody get him water." Paige says, watching in disgust. You go and get him some water.

Manny is eventually able to resume.

"Okay. Kat, truth or dare?"


"Who do you hate most in this room?"

"What?! That's not fair." Her brow furrows and she glares at him.

"Do you forfeit?"


"Uhhh... eat a raw egg!"

"Okay, no no no no no. I'm dealing with food poisoning." Paige says. What a mum.

"Fine. Go outside and scream "I'm adopted!" This is not a funny joke. But Manny doesn't know that.


Everyone heads outside. There are a few people walking their dogs.

"I'M ADOPTED." People turn around to look at this crazy little girl screaming in the street. "Are you happy now?" She sighs and storms back in.

"Yes!" Manny laughs evilly. Almost like when he got stuck in Costco (IYKYK).

You all head back inside.

"Paige! Truth or dare?"


"Hmmmm... ooh! Ohh!" Kat whispers something to Steve.

"You can't ask her that!"

"I don't care. Paige, are you pregnant?"

Tony tries to hide the fact that he's interested in the answer, tucking his hand under his chin.

Paige seems unnerved by the question. "What? Of course not!" She laughs, awkwardly.

"She hesitated. She hesitated! Oh my god, she's pregnant!"

"I'm not pregnant!"

"Look at how red she's gone!" It's true; she's blushing.

"I am definitely not pregnant." She insists.

"Mmmkay." Kat raises her eyebrows.

Paige leaves the room.

"I think we upset her. Anyway, Harry, truth or dare?"


"I dare you to tell us who you have a crush on!"

"That's a truth." Harry crosses his arms.

"No, I said I dare you, therefore it is a dare."

"I forfeit."

"No, you can only forfeit on truth."

Harry gives an exasperated sigh. "Fine. I have a crush on-"

"Tony. Come here. I need to talk to you." Paige says, urgently. She's tearing up. Tony leaves the room. The door closes.

Everyone exchanges looks, before running to the door to press their ears against it.

"What are we going to do?" Paige is crying.

"I don't know."

"God. I just didn't want to find out this way. I don't know how to feel about it."

"I don't either."

Everyone looks at each other, shocked.

"Does that mean..." Shrignold murmured. "Paige is pregnant?!"

To be continued...

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