18 - War!

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Tony and Paige move out a month later. You all throw them a little party.

Paige threw her arms around you and sobbed before leaving. "I'm gonna miss you s0 much!"

"I'm gonna miss you too." You whisper.

The couple left with Juno an hour later. The house becomes strangely quiet. You assume it must be because everyone is sad. 2 people leaving surely won't make the house too much quieter, especially as neither Tony or Paige aren't the loudest in the house.

You sat on the couch with Harry, your head resting on his shoulder and one arm around him. He has an arm around you, and he plays with your hair absent -mindedly.

"I feel like a lot is about to change."

"A lot has changed, Harry." You reply. "Tony and Paige got together, got married, and had a baby in the space of like, a year. Now they're off having their own life. We got together. Roy went to prison. It's alot."

"Now, even more will change." He says.

"You ever think about settling down? Getting our own little place? Marriage?"

"Yeah. I do. A lot more than before." He smiles. "I do think we should take it a bit slower than them, though."

"I agree. Nothing wrong with having a bit of fun. Let's enjoy this bit for as long as possible."

He smiles and nods, kissing your head. "Right. No point rushing."

Suddenly, something flies at the back of your head. You turn spot Manny and Robin holding nerf guns.

"We challenge you!" Robin squawks. "To a nerf war! Here's your guns."

You take the nerf guns off them.

"Your challenge has been accepted, Robin. You're going down." Harry says.

"Per nerf war rules, you have 5 minutes to hide! Whichever side runs out of bullets first loses if you get hit with 3 bullets you're out! Time starts... now!"

Everyone runs off in separate directions. You go into Robin's room and hide in his closet.

You glance through a crack in the closet door and see Manny sneak in, hiding under his duvet. There's now a mound of Manny, easily spotted.

5 minutes pass. You could easily get Manny now, but you decide to wait it out. Plus, he's a kid, and no kid likes losing.

You hear the door to his bedroom open, and in walks Robin.

"Boo!" Manny says, popping out and starts shooting at Robin.

"Ah! Not at me! At Y/N and Harry!"

"That was 3! You're out!"

"Shush! Nobody has to know!"

"But... that's cheating."


You come out of the closet. "You said yourself, Robin. 3 bullets and you're out. Don't commit nerf war crimes."

Robin looks annoyed. "Manny, I'm trusting you."

Manny aims his nerf gun at you. You run out of the room and downstairs, climbing on top of the fridge in the kitchen. Steve looks up at you in confusion but just sighs. It's a common occurrence.

Manny runs past the kitchen. You hear the nerf gun get blasted and Harry sighs. "Well done, Manny! You got me out."

He has two bullets left. You still have all 8. The only way he could win is if you missed him with all your bullets. You got this.

You climb from the fridge and sneak up behind him. A bullet catches his back. He turns.


You shoot. Another hits him in the arm- but somehow you miss the rest. You've ran out of bullets.

"I won!" Manny says. He jumps around excitedly. "I won! I won!"

"Y/N's got a lousy shot." Harry looks at you.

"You're not very good at hiding."

"At my height, you wouldn't be, either."

Manny dances around the house, making up an I-won song. Harry smiles and hugs you.

"Good nerf war, babe."

"Yep." You smile. "Good nerf war."

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