The Aftermath

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Silver and Blaze had just finished their date and were walking back to Blaze's room. Silver had offered to walk her back, even though it wasn't very far away. A scuffle made Silver's head whip around.

"Something wrong?" Blaze asked, looking over his shoulder with a concerned expression. He turned around again.

"Yeah, sorry. I thought-" Silver shook his head. "Eh, it's nothing."

The two walked up to Blaze's door and paused awkwardly. Blaze turned, looking at Silver with a mixed expression. It was a combination of anticipation and fear.

"Um..." Blaze mumbled, looking away from him. "I- I had a nice time."

"Yeah! I mean- I enjoyed myself too." Silver grinned. Unfortunately, he had a moment, where he realised what this moment was. He turned bright red. "I- Uh."

He leaned in, just as Blaze leaned in too. They smacked heads and thus the apologies began.

"Sorry, I just-"

"It's alright Silver, I should've-"

"No, it's my fault." Silver conceded. The two laughed awkwardly. Blaze placed a kiss on Silver's head. When she pulled away, Silver could feel his skin tingle.

"Goodnight Silver." She said, and with that the date was over. Silver stared at the closed door, trying to get his brain working again. He nodded, still tingling and began to walk back to his room. But before he could get even halfway there, he heard the scuffling again.

This was not good news for Sonic, Manic and Tails, who had seen the couple walking back, and had proposed to follow them. However, it was worse news for Sonic especially, because he was the eldest and therefore responsible for the escapade, even if he wasn't.

Silver wasn't happy. Luckily, he was more concerned about getting their opinions:

"Okay, the actual date was fine, it was just like us hanging out, but with fancy stuff added in." Silver began as Tails handed him a cup of tea. "But I think I messed up the ending. We bashed heads at the end."

"Ouch." Manic winced.

"Yeah, how'd you think I feel?" Silver rubbed his head. Sonic plopped down next to him.

"I think, considering the rest of date was fine, that a little head banging would be fine." He said, leaning back in his chair.

"Why were they head banging?" Manic muttered. Everyone ignored him.

"You think so?" Silver asked, wringing his hands together.

"Positive." Sonic winked.

After Blaze had closed the door, she leaned against it and was instantly pulled into the room.

"How'd it go?"

"Was he a gentleman?"

"Did you hold hands with Mr Silver?"

"Do you and I need a talk about guys?"

"STOP!" Blaze yelled. Silence fell. "Oh, I'm sorry I didn't mean-"


"Was not expecting yelling."

"It must've been a good date."

Amy dragged Blaze and sat her down. "Ok Blaze, tell us everything!"

"Oh, well... we just talked and had a nice meal and-"

"Did he kiss you?" Rouge asked. The other three girls gasped and closed ranks.

"No but-"

The group groaned and gasped in horror.

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