{Chatper Five}

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   "I'll be fine, I'm alright, it's my body/ Gonna stick to my guns, like you taught me
Holy hell, I can tell that you hate me/ Dying moon, keep me up, keep me waiting"
- Buttercup (Hippocampus)



ARYA HAD REACHED HER FRIENDS the minute that dawn was about to break. They had apparently been in a heated discussion that Arya was glad she had missed, she had enough drama for one twelve hour period of time.

There was a bright burst of light over the horizon and Artemis warned everyone to shield their eyes. Arya listened, everything around her got super hot, to the point she wanted to strip down to her bra and shorts. The heat only lasted about 20 seconds before it went away, and the weather was back to the freezing cold that Arya wasn't a fan of.

Arya had met her fair share of gods over her life period, she had met Poseidon and Zeus, who made themselves appear as older men with graying hair and beards. Hermes, who always appears as a middle aged man that looked tired of his job. Artemis, who had appeared as a twelve year old. But for some reason she was unprepared to see Apollo appearing as an 18 year old. He looked just like someone Arya would be friends with, he looked like he would be her peer rather than a force of nature that could kill her if he felt bored.

He didn't carry himself like a god either, while Artemis talked like an old woman beyond her years, Apollo talked like a teenager. Arya couldn't help but examine him with a quisical eye. Something about the god seemed so off.

"I need a favor. I have some hunting to do, alone. I need you to take my companions to Camp Half-Blood." Artemis asked him.

"Sure, sis!" Then he held his hands up in a dramatic gesture "I feel a haiku coming on."

Arya had to put her hand over her mouth to stop her giggles from escaping, while The Hunters all groaned, being all too familiar with their leader's brother.

"Green grass breaks through snow.
Artemis pleads for my help.
I am so cool."

He looked around at everyone with a smile, waiting for applause.

"Last I checked, it's supposed to be 5-7-5." Arya spoke out loud, enjoying Apollo's energy, even though everything was telling her to stop engaging.

Apollo frowned and looked to Arya, for a second she thought she had over stepped a line and was going to have yet another god hating her.

"What line was wrong?"

"The last one. You'd think the god of poetry would be better at it" Arya said again, pushing her limits, like she was so known for doing.

Instinct & Understanding// [Percy Jackson OC]// Book 3Where stories live. Discover now