Chapter 11

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Eret didn't get paid enough for this.

They sat in the break room, drinking shitty coffee and eating a shitty sandwich. Employees weren't allowed to bring outside food for lunch for whatever reason, so they were forced to choke down each repulsive meal unless they wanted to be hungry all day.

It was better than whatever they served in the cafeteria, at least.

They leaned back in their uncomfortable chair, shutting their eyes. Not even their sunglasses could block out the blindingly bright overhead lights that were probably six seconds from exploding at any given moment. If that were the case, it would finally explain the annoying buzzing sound that none of their other colleagues ever heard.

Eret's communicator buzzed, and they barely suppressed a groan. They were on break, for fuck's sake! They fished the device out of their pocket, debating whether or not they even wanted to check it.

It was a company device, given to all employees for 'quick and easy communication between management and co-workers'. Phones weren't allowed on the premises, so it was the best they got in terms of technology.

After going through the pros and cons, Eret decided to check the device. It could be Henry sending them another unfunny Minion meme, or it could be something important concerning Tommy, or any of the other hybrids contained at the facility.

One button press later, and the screen had lit up, and their eyes immediately flicked to their notifications. Upon realising what it was, they let out a sigh of relief.

Just Fundy.

It was a simple message, a quick 'call me' written in all lower case, with no punctuation.

Yes, the communicators could be used for calls as well! What a handy-dandy device! If only the funding they used for manufacturing them had been used or literally anything else concerning the hybrids. Sure, the facility itself was fine, but the shitty food, and lack of stimulus when the hybrids were back in their cells (they were not going to call them rooms) was pretty appalling.

That was enough feeling bad for the people they were actively imprisoning, they had a call to make! They stepped into the hallway, and dialled Fundy's company number.

Fundy had been one of their closest friends since they'd started the job, despite the two of them working in different departments. Fundy picked up on the fourth ring, and Eret smiled as their ears were bombarded with yelling.

"Eret! Hi!" Fundy was a loud person, and Eret glanced around themselves, making sure that nobody else was around to hear their friend screaming.

"Hey Fundy. How are you?"

"Good, I've been doing good. Today I had to chase down a gazelle. Not fun, I'll tell you that much." Eret would be lying if they said they weren't holding back a chuckle.

"Dude, I've been telling you! Transfer to guard duty, it's way easier than chasing down hybrids all day." If they left out the part about the crushing guilt one faced when they considered the treatment of the hybrids, that was between them and God.

"Just as you mention that! I heard that this guy got majorly fucked up by a hybrid, like, hospital-level fucked up. I'm gonna call in and see if I can take his spot."

"And deal with the hybrid that did that to him? I wouldn't."

"I hear the punishments down there are horrific, horror movie level stuff. Hopefully it'll be enough of a deterrent. Also, I'm probably way stronger than that guy." Eret laughed good-naturedly, trying not to think about how the horror movie analogy rang fairly true.

"You should try and get down here. I could use someone to talk to, and Henry's rants about entitled millenials aren't really cutting it."

"Every time you mention this Henry guy, I want to beat him up more and more..."

"If you get the transfer, I'll tell you about the time he got the shit kicked out of him by his hybrid."

"Deal. Oh, also-" He was cut off by a beeping noise, and the man on the other line began to curse.

"Shit. Walkie-Talkie. Talk to you later?" Fundy hung up, and Eret was left in the silence of the bland hallway.

They were about to head back into the break room when they got another notification. Upon reading the message, they frowned. Putting the device away with a sigh, they strode down the hallway, away from the oasis that was the break room.

Another day, another dollar.

A/N: Popped off with this chapter! Hopefully from this point onwards, things will start to pick up a bit more. Let me know if you liked Eret's pov! I might do more chapters from other characters' pov if you guys liked it!

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