Chapter 3

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Being back in his 'room' sucked.

It was so boring, with the white walls, white floor, white everything.

Tommy had taken to lying underneath the bed, as it had felt safer. If anyone even thought about trying to hurt him while he slept? They'd be in for a big surprise. In the form of teeth. Teeth in their ankles.

Tommy had been lying under the bed for a while now, not doing much.

He'd thought about his new friend Tubbo for a bit. It was nice to have a friend.

He'd never say that aloud though.

There was still so much he didn't know about this place. Apparently they did 'testing'? Maybe it was a freaky science facility, like in those horror films he'd never been allowed to watch.

He would get rewards if he did good during testing, according to Tubbo. Maybe he could get something that would make his dumb room less boring.

Tommy continued to lament about his current conditions before realising something.

He had to piss.


He reluctantly crawled out from underneath the bed, almost hissing at the bright lights. He headed over the door, and pondered.

How would he communicate his need to take a piss?

It didn't take Tommy too long to decide on a method.

"Oi! Oi dickheads! I need to go to the bathroom!"

Tommy kicked the door a few times, before grumbling.

He paced around the room, ears alert. Maybe they'd send The Guard to collect him again. The Guard was, in all honesty, an asshole, but they were the only consistent thing about this place so far, other than his shitty room.

Tommy may as well have been clairvoyant, for minutes later, the door opened, and who would stand at the entrance? None other than The Guard.


Tommy gave a small wave.

"Follow me. You need to go to the bathroom, yeah?"

The Guard turned and walked off, leaving Tommy scrambling to follow.

He was soon at an even pace with The Guard, as they walked down the halls. The bathroom was in a different direction than the cafeteria, Tommy noted.

"By the way," The Guard cut through the silence, "You only get three of these a day."

Tommy balked. Three bathroom trips? What, was this place a school, too?

"That's stupid."

"I don't make the rules."

Tommy considered running. He could probably outpace The Guard. Their vest looked fairly heavy...

"Don't think about running. I'm equipped with a taser and the consequences won't be worth it."

A shiver ran down Tommy's spine. Perhaps running wasn't such a fantastic idea.

They soon arrived at their destination, and Tommy couldn't have been more relieved. Their conversation had been getting a little too heavy for his liking.

The Guard stood outside the door, and Tommy entered the bathroom.

"Be quick about it."

All in all, Tommy was fairly quick about it. The trip was fast, and he was soon back outside with The Guard, ready to be escorted back to the room he hated so much.

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