Sick day

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This is set basically at any time. Percabeth is together. From Percy's POV.

I woke up at 3 am and ran to the bathroom, barely making it before I puked all over myself. I groaned as I cleaned myself up. I had plans with Annabeth since we were both busy and we had not seen each other in three weeks. I barely got any sleep that night. Between getting sick and alternating between hot and cold.

A few hours later, I heard my mom scream to me, "I'm heading out! Take meds. Call Annabeth, she can take care of you. I don't trust you alone." 
"Okay mom, I will" I called back. As soon as she stepped out of the apartment, I IMed Annabeth.

She turned to the image as she was pulling her hair in a ponytail "Oh no, Seaweed brain you look awful!" 
"Gee thanks," I replied and got covered in snot as I sneezed loudly.
"I'm coming over, give me ten minutes," She exclaimed, beating me to asking her. 

Ten minutes later, I heard the locks clicking and saw a head of blonde curly hair coming into my apartment (She has a key). In her hand, I saw a small square of ambrosia. "Eat!" she commanded as she approached me on the couch.
"Hello to you too," I responded as I took a nibble out of the bar and let the taste of warm chocolate chip cookies consume me.

After that, we sat on the couch together and watched Forrest Gump, which I was seeing for the first time but Annabeth was watching for the fourth time. By the end, I somehow had her head in my lap. This was odd because usually, Annabeth is in a different chair or whatever than me when I am sick. I stared at the blank screen as I played with her soft hair. As she started to drift off, I gave her a peck on the lips. Her eyes flew open and she shot up, although she failed to disguise the small smile that was played across her lips. 

"Why did you do that? I am going to be sick now! Now you'll-" I interrupted her with another kiss.
"I'll take care of you," I said, now cowering behind a pillow in case she was mad. 

The next morning, I received an Iris Message at 8 am and saw Annabeth looking like she was going to kill me, even with vomit all on her shirt.

How did you guys enjoy it? I take any suggestions for any stories for later chapters! Answers for the trivia questions will always be in the following chapter!

Q: What is the name of Percy's hellhound?

Percy Jackson headcanons, one-shots, and other stuffDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora